Digital Literacy Instructional Guide

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Digital Literacy

Utah Career and Technical Education 2022-2023 AT-A-GLANCE

Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.

Data Represents Secondary Education Source of Data: Utah State Board of Education

185,256 Students enrolled in CTE courses

of CTE concentrators 97% graduate in 4 years. Native American Caucasian Asian Pacific Islander Black Hispanic Economically disadvantaged Homelessness Students with disabilities 92.8% 95.1% 96.1% 96.4% 96.9% 97.0% 97.2% 98.1% 91.7% 72.2% of students who concentrated in a CTE Pathway placed in postsecondary education, military service, or employment, within six months after graduation. (October 1-December 31, 2021-2022)

97% Graduation rate for students 99% who are CTE concentrators

Graduation rate for students who are CTE completers

graduatio Compared to Utah’s statewide n rate of


50.1% of students concentrated in a CTE Career Pathway. A concentrator is a student who has completed specific requirements in a single CTE program of study. 18.2% of students completed a CTE Career Pathway. A completer is a student who has completed specific course requirements and earned 3.0 credits in a single CTE program of study.

CREDENTIALS OF VALUE CTE Competency Certificates earned

144,201 * TOP CERTIFICATIONS Food and Nutrition 1 Child Development Woods 1 Commercial Photo 1 Interior Design 1 Exploring Computer Science 1


* Utah skill certifications, business, trade association, or other industry group

Utah Career and Technical Education

Top Pathways Students completing a CTE Career Pathway are recognized by the state of Utah and their high school by receiving a CTE Secondary Pathway Completer recognition Award. CTE Career Pathways with the Highest Completer Rates Health Science Broadcasting & Digital Media Programming & Software Development Business Information Management

WORKPLACE and COLLEGE READINESS 9th–12th grade CTE concentrators who earned credit, at “C” grade or better, in (CE, or IB, or AP) OR who passed skill certification/third-party industry exams. 85.2%

Engineering Automotive

Utah Members National Members 22,386 students are members of a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).

















Students who participate in school organizations in 10th grade have higher grade point averages and are more likely to be enrolled in college at 21 years of age than other students (

47,015 students participated in

124,065 CTE Concurrent Enrollment (CE) credits earned

Students have opportunities to earn CE credits i CTE courses. CE provides prepared high school students with a challenging and rigorous college-level experience. Students in the program receive both college and high school credit.


College and Career Awareness is a middle school course designed to increase awareness of college and career pathways. Students explore high school, college, and career options based on individual interests , abilities , and skills . Students investigate high-skill and/or in-demand jobs in the Utah labor market, while developing workplace skills.

Utah CTE classes are open to all qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.

Utah State Board of Education | 250 East 500 South | P.O. Box 144200 | Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 Sydnee Dickson, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Thalea Longhurst, State Director of Career and Technical Education

Published January 2024

CTE Knowledge Corner

CTE Key Vocabulary

Word/ Abbreviation


Association for Career and Technical Education (National)




A group of careers and industries that are related by skills or products.

Career Cluster

College and Career Awareness


College and Career Readiness


Concurrent Enrollment


Career and Technical Education


A secondary student who has met all of the requirements of a CTE pathway by completing 3.0 credits with one course being a concentrator course. A secondary student who has completed at least two courses, with at least one concentrator course, in a specifc CTE pathway. A Career Pathway is a sequence of courses within a student's area of interest that connects career interests and serves as an educational road map leading to a credential. Utah has developed 35 CTE Career Pathways that align with the national Career Clusters.

CTE Completer

CTE Concentrator

CTE Pathway

Career & Technical Student Organization


CTSO for future leaders and entrepreneurs in careers in marketing, fnance, hospitality and management.


CTSO- for Future Educators

Educators Rising

CTSO- Future Business Leaders of America


CTSO- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America


Family Consumer Science


CTSO- Future Farmers of America


CTSO-Future Health Professionals


Information Technology


A listserv is an automatic emailing service. As a member of a list, you will receive copies of all the mail that is sent to the group. Lists are used to share information and ideas, ask for help or clarifcation on topics, etc.


Federal CTE funding


CTSO- for Future Skilled Workers


Technology & Engineering


CTSO- Technology Student Association


Utah State Board of Education


Utah Association for Career and Technical Education


Work-Based Learning


Helpful Websites ● ACTE ● CSDCTE ● USBE- CTE ● UtahACTE

Utah CTE Career PATHWAYS Pathways to College & Career Readiness School Year 2024-2025

Career Cluster® > Career Pathway

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources > Agricultural Mechanics Systems > Agricultural Production Systems > Animal & Veterinary Science > Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition > Natural Resource Science > Plant Science Architecture & Construction > Architectural & Interior Design > Construction & Structural Systems Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications

Education & Training > Pre-K: Early Childhood Education > K-12: Teaching as a Profession Engineering & Technology > Engineering Health Science > Health Science Hospitality & Tourism > Culinary Arts > Hospitality & Tourism Human Services > Family & Human Services > Personal Care Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security > Protective Services Manufacturing > Manufacturing & Production > Welding & Machining Transportation, Distribution & Logistics > Automotive >Aviation >Diesel

> Broadcasting & Digital Media > Fashion Apparel & Textiles > Graphic Design & Communication Business, Finance & Marketing

>Business >Finance > Marketing Computer Science & Information Technology > Cybersecurity > Information Technology Systems > Programming & Software Development > Web Development

32 CTE Career Pathways

As of August 2023 ADA Compliant: August 2023

Year at a Glance Digital Literacy

A/B Schedule Semester

1 st Quarter

2 nd Quarter

3 rd Quarter

4 th Quarter


Unit 1 : Course Introduction & Keyboarding Unit 2 : The Information Processing Cycle Course Introduction : 2Weeks Unit 1 Keyboarding: 3 Weeks or as a daily starter Unit 2The Information Processing Cycle : 5-7Weeks

Unit 3 : Internet & Online Communication

Unit 4 : Digital Citizenship Unit 5 : Business Applications Unit 4 Digital Citizenship : 6weeks Unit 5 Business Applications : 4weeks

Unit 5 : Business Applications Unit 6 : Digital Media & Course Conclusion Unit 5 Business Applications : 4Weeks Unit 6 Digital Media& Course Conclusion : 6weeks


Unit 3 Internet andOnline Communication : 6weeks


Strand 1 Strand2


Strand4 Strand5

Strand5 Strand6

Every Day Semester Schedule Quarters

1st Quarter/3rd Quarter

2nd Quarter/4th Quarter


Course Introduction Unit 1 :Keyboarding Unit 2 : The Information Processing Cycle Unit 3 : Internet & Online Communication Course Introduction 2Weeks Unit 1 : Keyboarding 2 Weeks or as a Daily Starter Throughout the Course Unit 2 : The Information Processing Cycle 4Weeks Unit 3 :

Unit 4 : Digital Citizenship Unit 5 : Business Applications

Unit 6 : Digital Media Course Conclusion


Unit 4 : Digital Citizenship 3Weeks Unit 5 : Business Applications 4Weeks Unit 6 : Digital Media 3Weeks Course Conclusion 1Week

Internet & Online Communication 3Weeks


Strands 1, 2, 3

Strands 4, 5, 6

Unit 1



Key Language Usage

A/B Day Schedule: 2 Weeks or as a daily starter Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks or as a daily starter

Narrate Argue Inform Explain

Key Standard(s) 1: (Keyboarding Effciency)- Students will enhance keyboarding skills. 1: Students will enhance and demonstrate proper key-by-touch skills and keyboarding techniques. ● Sit up straight. ● Feet fat on the foor. ● Body-centered with the “G” and “H” keys. ● Fingers curved on the home row (A, S, D, F, J, K, L;). ● Wrists straight and elbows naturally at sides. ● Correct fngers are used for keystrokes. ● Key by touch (eyes on copy or screen, not on keys). ● Key with a smooth rhythm. 2: Students will learn and demonstrate the benefts of proper touch typing and keyboarding techniques. ● Improve effciency, accuracy, and productivity using the keyboard. ● Reduces repetitive stress injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, neck strain, back pain).

End of Unit Competency ● I can explain how to type and sit up straight.

● I can explain how to type with my feet fat on the foor.

● I can explain how to type with my body centered at the “G” and “H” keys.

● I can explain how to type with my fngers curved on the home row.

● I can explain how to type with wrists straight and elbows naturally on both sides.

● I can identify the correct fngers used for keystrokes.

● I can identify and explain the key-by-touch technique.

● I can explain how to type with a smooth rhythm.

Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and entity

■ Opening statements to identify the type of information ■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) Performance Skill: Students will demonstrate individual key-by-touch improvement profciency, accuracy, and technique.

Differentiation in Action Skill Building

For Enhancing Keyboarding Skills: ● Guided Practice: Daily Drills, Timed Typing Tests ● Ergonomic Training: Posture Instruction, Interactive Demonstration ● Use of software and Games: Approved typing software and typing games ● Progressive Diffculty Levels: Interactive challenges For Demonstrating Key-By-Touch Skills: ● Repetitive Practice using the home row ● Eyes on Screen: Copy typing exercises, use of keyboard covers ● Rhythm and Flow: metronome typing and audio cues For Proper Touch Typing and Techniques:

● Speed and accuracy logs ● Accuracy focused drills ● Real-life applications such as emails and reports Monitoring and Feedback: ● Peer Typing Challenges ● Collaborative Learning environments ● Frequent Evaluations of words per minute


● Writing and Composition: Essay and report writing, creative writing assignments ● Research: online research and digital note-taking

● Spreadsheets and databases ● Resume and Cover letters

Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) ● ● Keyboarding Olympics ● Sample PowerPoint Lesson

● Proper Keyboarding Technique Quizlet ● Keyboarding Evaluation Flashcards ● Keyboarding Evaluation Checklist

Skills: ● Take active steps to improve keyboarding skills by learning proper techniques and applying them to typing practice. This can be done through approved typing online resources or typing games to increase speed and accuracy. Scaffolded Learning: ● Create a chart that tracks my improvement in the course over time. Set goals to improve typing skills and accuracy. ● Research what jobs list keyboarding as part of the application process—based goals on keyboarding skills to help students become better future employees.


● Words Per Minute (WPM)

● Key by Touch

UNIT 1 Unpacked




● ● ● ● ●

A/B Day Schedule: 3 Weeks or as a daily starter

Keyboarding Olympics Sample PowerPoint Lesson

Proper Keyboarding Technique Quizlet Keyboarding Evaluation Flashcards Keyboarding Evaluation Checklist

Semester Schedule: 2 Weeks or as a daily starter


1: (Keyboarding Efficiency)- Students will enhance keyboarding skills. 1: Students will enhance and demonstrate proper key-by-touch skills and keyboarding techniques. ● Sit up straight. ● Feet flat on the floor. ● Body-centered with the “G” and “H” keys. ● Fingers curved on home row (A, S, D, F, J, K, L;). ● Wrists straight and elbows naturally at sides. ● Correct fingers are used for keystrokes. ● Key by touch (eyes on copy or screen, not on keys). ● Key with a smooth rhythm. 2: Students will learn and demonstrate the benefts of proper touch typing and keyboarding techniques. ● Improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity using the keyboard. ● Reduces repetitive stress injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, neck strain, back pain).


SKILLS (Verbs)


● Proper Posture and Positioning ● Finger Placement and Technique ● Benefts of Touch Typing

● Keyboarding Skills ● Ergonomic Skills ● Technological Skills ● Awareness and Application Skills

● Visual Aides ● Multimedia Resources ● Scaffolded Instructions ● Vocabulary Support ● Language Adaptations ● Interactive Activities


Beginner Level : Introduction to Keyboarding: Teach basic keyboard layout and fnger placement.

● Emphasize sitting posture, foot placement, and hand positioning. ● Practice fnding and using the home row keys (A, S, D, F, J, K, L).

● Introduce typing with the correct fngers and without looking at the keys. ● Focus on developing a smooth and consistent typing rhythm.

Intermediate Level : Touch Typing Techniques: Expand on proper touch typing techniques.

● Reinforce sitting posture and hand position. ● Practice typing common words and phrases to improve speed and accuracy. ● Introduce techniques for typing special characters and numbers without looking. ● Emphasize the benefts of touch typing in terms of effciency and reducing stress injuries.

Advanced Level : Keyboarding Skills: Focus on advanced typing and speed.

● Introduce typing exercises with increasing complexity (e.g., longer texts, formatting). ● Encourage students to use keyboard shortcuts and special functions to enhance productivity. ● Provide opportunities for timed typing tests to measure speed and accuracy improvements. ● Emphasize the importance of maintaining proper posture and technique even at higher speeds.


Key by Touch Words Per Minute (WPM) END OF UNIT COMPETENCIES- Performance Skill ● Students will demonstrate individual key-by-touch improvement profciency, accuracy, and technique. DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Structured Typing Programs ● Guided Practice Sessions ● Progress Tracking and Feedback of Words Per Min

Skill Building

● Timed Typing Exercises ● Real-World Applications

● Gamifed Learning Opportunities


Unit 2 Information Processing Cycle


Key Language Usage

A/B Day Schedule: 5-7 Weeks Semester Schedule: 4 Weeks

Narrate Argue Inform Explain

STANDARDS 2: (Information Processing Cycle)- Students will identify a computer as a device that utilizes hardware and software to accept input, process data, store data, and produce output. 1: Identify computer hardware in the information processing cycle. ● Hardware is the physical components that make up a computing system, computer, or computing device. ● Identify the primary hardware components of a computer. ○ Input ■ Touchscreen ■ Mouse/Touchpad ■ Keyboard ○ Processing

■ Motherboard ■ Power supply

■ Central Processing Unit (CPU) ■ Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) ■ Main Memory (RAM, ROM)

○ Storage

■ HardDrive ■ Solid State Drive (SSD)

○ Output

■ Monitor/Screen/Touchscreen ■ Speakers ● Peripheral devices are connected to a computer to expand the functionality of the computer. ○ Identify port connectors for peripheral devices. ○ Identify secondary peripheral devices. ■ Printer

■ Scanner ■ Camera ■ Stylus

■ Headphones ■ Microphone

■ Game controller ■ Virtual Reality (VR) headsets ● Explain how a peripheral device can have multiple input and output functions (e.g. touchscreen) 2: Explain the role of software in a computing system. ● Software is a program that runs a set of instructions on a computing device. ● Identify the two types of software for a computing device. ○ System software is software that controls the communication between the hardware and application software of a computer. ○ Application software is software developed to help the user perform specifc tasks. ● Compare cloud-based applications vs. computing-based software. ○ Where is the data stored? ○ What are the requirements to access software? ○ Who has access to the data? ○ What are the pros and cons? ● Identify the primary operating system of a computing device. ○ The operating system is software that manages the computer’s basic functions such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals. ● Identify primary operating systems as: ○ Windows ○ MacOS ○ Android ○ iOS ○ Linux ● Identify common application software for computing devices. ○ Business software (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, calendaring) ○ Communication software (e.g. social media, email, video conference, instant messaging) ○ Entertainment software (e.g. virtual reality, streaming, gaming) ○ Multimedia software (e.g. photo, image, video, audio, speech-to-text, artifcial intelligence (AI)) ○ Education software (e.g. learning management system (LMS), grade book, e-books) ○ Accessibility software (e.g. Voice-to-text, screen reader, screen magnifers, voice recognition) 3: Explain how input devices function in the information processing cycle. ● The input device is hardware equipment used to transfer data to a computing system for processing. ● Explain the function of primary input devices. ○ Keyboard ○ Mouse/Touchpad ○ Touchscreen ○ Microphone ○ Camera ○ Game controller 4: Defne processing and explain how processing functions in the information

processing cycle. ● Processing is interpreting input and producing output. ● Explain the main processing device in a computer system.

○ The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the master chip that controls all other aspects of the computer. ● Describe the relationship of an algorithm, loop, and conditional in computing processing. ○ The algorithm is a set of instructions to complete a task. ■ The CPU uses the algorithm as an input to produce output. ○ The loop is a programming structure that repeats a set of instructions as long as a specifc condition is true. ■ The CPU uses the loop as an input to repeat the task to output data until the specifed condition is true. ○ Conditional is a programming structure that performs different complications or actions depending on whether a condition evaluates to true or false (Boolean condition). ■ The CPU uses the conditional as an input to continue to evaluate whether or not to send output data. 5: Explain how memory and storage devices function in the information processing cycle. ● Memory is temporarily stored data for immediate use in a computer system. ● Identify two types of memory for a computer system. ○ Random Access Memory (RAM) is used by the operating system and application software while the computer is running. ○ Read Only Memory (ROM) is preloaded instructions for booting up the computer. ● Storage is a place where data can be held and retrieved at a later time. ● Identify the benefts of using different types of storage. ○ The hard drive is an internal storage divide that stores data. ■ Hard Disk Drive (HDD) ■ Solid State Drive (SDD) ● The external hard drive is a portable storage device that stores data. ● The fash drive is a small, portable storage device that uses electrical rewritable storage (fash) to store or transfer data (e.g. USB, thumb drive, memory stick, jump drive). ● Cloud storage is storage where data is transmitted and stored on remote storage systems where it is maintained, managed, backed up, and made available to use over a network (e.g. Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive). 6: Explain how output devices function in the information processing cycle. ● Output is information processed from a computing system and received by the user. ● The output device is hardware equipment used to transfer data from a computer system. ● Explain the function of primary output devices. ○ Monitor/Screen/Touchscreen ○ Printer

○ Projector ○ Speakers ○ Headphones 7: Identify common troubleshooting techniques.

● Troubleshooting is the systematic approach to addressing a problem with a computing device through the process of trial and error. ● Identify common troubleshooting steps. ○ Do not panic. ○ Check all connections and power supply. ○ Read error messages. ○ Look for software updates. ○ Restart the computing device.

End of Unit Competency ● I can explain the information processing cycle.

● I can identify examples of computer hardware in the information processing cycle.

● I can explain the role of software in a computing system.

● I can identify an example of an input device and explain how input devices function in the information processing system. ● I can defne processing and explain how processing features function in the information processing cycle. ● I can identify examples of memory and storage devices, and explain their function in the information processing cycle.

● I can explain how output devices function in the information processing cycle. Language Functions & Features:

■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information

■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify entities ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions)

Differentiation in Action Skill Building

Identifying Computer Hardware in the Information Processing Cycle ● Hands-on Disassembly and Assembly ● Interactive simulations: virtual labs, component matching games

● Hardware identifcation Projects: create posters/charts, show and tell Explaining the Role of Software in a Computing System ● Software Exploration Activities: Software demos, role-playing scenarios ● Comparison Projects: cloud vs. local software, software categories Explaining Input Devices’ Function in the Information Processing Cycle ● Input Device Demonstrations ● Interactive Tutorials Defning Processing and Explaining Processing Functions ● CPU and Algorithm Simulations ● Flow chart creation of complex processing tasks Explaining Memory and Storage Devices ● Memory and storage comparison charts, benefts analysis ● Storage Exploration Activities: scenarios for personal data vs enterprise-level data Explaining Output Devices’ Function

● Output Device Demonstration ● Interactive Output Simulations Identifying Common Troubleshooting Techniques

● Step-by-step troubleshooting ● Scenario-based troubleshooting ● Troubleshooting guide creation ● Group problem-solving activities

● Build a custom computer ● Create a virtual machine ● Website creation ● Build and program robots ● Tech Company Virtual Tour ● System Recovery challenges


Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) Inside of a Desktop Computer + Explanation

Drag & Drop Computer Hardware

How computers work: CPU, Memory, Input & Output ( Video) What are Input and Output Devices?

How Computers Work: Hardware vs. Software Operating System Introduction

What is an Operating system?

Google: Say What you See Activity

GFC Troubleshooting Basics

Skills : ● Explore how computers work through hands-on activities that apply and explore the information processing cycle such as exploring how computers work by taking apart devices (towers, laptops, phones, etc) to examine the internal hardware; participating in a simulation of buying a computer for a purpose (i.e., college, or attending high school), and completing a coding project (through the use of Scratch,, or robots - Spheros, Ozobots, etc.). Scaffolded Learning: ● Create an optimal computer that addresses a key environment, (i.e., what would be critical elements of a computer designed for an educational setting vs. a professional setting such as in a hospital or offce). Describe how these elements would differ based on the setting. Explore how improvements could be made with input or output devices to improve usability in these environments Performance Skills: Students will research, evaluate, and support the selection of purchasing a computing device based on personal interests and needs. ● Students will identify and explain the benefts of the selected peripheral devices, hardware, software, memory, and storage within the computing device. Vocabulary


Peripheral device


System software

Application software Operating system

Input device


Central Processing Unit (CPU)





Random Access Memory (RAM)

Read Only Memory (ROM)



External hard drive

Flash drive

Cloud storage


Output device


UNIT2 Unpacked

Information Processing Cycle



● Inside of a Desktop Computer + Explanation ● Drag & Drop Computer Hardware ● How computers work: CPU, Memory, Input & Output ( Video) ● What are Input and Output Devices? ● How Computers Work: Hardware vs. Software

A/B Day Schedule: 5-7 Weeks Semester Schedule: 4 Weeks

● Operating System Introduction ● What is an Operating system? ● Google: Say What You See Activity ● GFC Troubleshooting Basics


2: (Information Processing Cycle)- Students will identify a computer as a device that utilizes hardware and software to accept input, process data, store data, and produce output. 1: Identify computer hardware in the information processing cycle. 2: Explain the role of software in a computing system. 3: Explain how input devices function in the information processing cycle. 4: Define processing and explain how processing functions in the information processing cycle. 5: Explain how memory and storage devices function in the information processing cycle. 6: Explain how output devices function in the information processing cycle. 7: Identify common troubleshooting techniques.


SKILLS (Verbs)


● Computer Hardware in the Information Processing Cycle ● Role of Software in a Computing System ● Function of Input, Processing, Storage, and Output in the Information Processing Cycle ● Common Troubleshooting Techniques

● Identify Computer Hardware ● Understand Software Roles ● Operating Input Devices ● Understanding Processing ● Managing Memory and Storage ● Utilizing Output Devices ● Troubleshooting Techniques

● Visual Aides ● Simplifed Language ● Glossary of Terms ● Multimodal Learning Materials ● Peer Support and Collaboration ● Scaffolded Instruction ● Interactive Activities


● Identify Computer Hardware ● Understand Software Roles ● Operating Input Devices ● Understanding Processing ● Managing Memory and Storage ● Utilizing Output Devices ● Troubleshooting Techniques


● Peripheral device ● Software ● System software ● Application software ● Operating system ● Input Device ● Processing ● Central Processing Unit (CPU) ● Algorithm ● Loop ● Conditional ● Memory ● Random Access Memory (RAM) ● Read Only Memory (ROM) ● Storage ● Harddrive ● External hard drive ● Flash Drive ● Cloud storage ● Output

● Output Device ● Troubleshooting END OF UNIT COMPETENCIES- Performance Skill ● Students will research, evaluate, and support the selection of purchasing a computing device based on personal interests and needs. ○ Students will identify and explain the benefts of the selected peripheral devices, hardware, software, memory, and storage within the computing device.


● Hands-on Activities ● Interactive Tutorials

Skill Building

● Project Based Learning ● Real-World Applications ● Problem-Solving Scenarios ● Multimodal Resources ● Peer Learning and Collaboration

● Software Development Projects ● Data Processing and Analysis - Data Mining ● Robotics and Automation Projects ● Career Exploration


Internet & Online Communication

Unit 3


Key Language Usage

A/B Day Schedule: 6 Weeks Semester Schedule: 3 Weeks

Narrate Argue Inform Explain

Standards 3: (Digital Communication) Students will use digital tools to learn through connecting to the Internet, navigating websites, and sending and receiving communications digitally. 1: Identify the components of the Internet. ● A network is a group of two or more digital devices connected to share information. ● The Internet is a global network. ● Wireless (Wi-Fi) is a wireless technology used to connect digital devices to the Internet. ● Uniform resource locator (URL) is an address for a worldwide webpage. ● Internet protocol (IP) address is a unique set of numbers separated by periods that identifes each digital device using the Internet to communicate. ● An Internet browser is an application used to access and view websites. ● A search engine is a program that searches for and identifes items in a database using keywords to fnd websites for information on the Internet. ● A server is a computer or computer program that manages access to databases of information in a network. 2: Explain how to connect to and navigate the Internet. ● An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides subscribers with access to the Internet. ● Bandwidth is the amount of information that can travel on an Internet connection in a certain timeframe. ● Compare different types of Internet connections by bandwidth, speed, and accessibility. ○ Cellular ○ Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) ○ Fiber optic ○ Satellite ● Identify and explain the function of common website navigation components. ○ Menu ■ Chrome app launcher (waffe) ■ Three dots (kabob)

■ Three lines (hamburger)

○ Homepage ○ Searchbar ○ Hyperlinks 3: Identify a variety of online communication tools and the primary features of email. ● Identify different types of communication programs. ○ Email is messages distributed by email application software from one digital device to another using a network (e.g. Gmail, Outlook). ○ Instant messaging is an online chat that offers real-time text communication over the Internet (e.g. Google Chat, Microsoft Teams) ○ Video conference is a conference where participants, in different locations, are able to communicate with each other in sound and vision (e.g. Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, Zoom) ○ Web authoring is a category of software that allows the user to develop a website using visual tools based on code (e.g. Weebly, Google Sites, Wix, Adobe Express, WordPress). ○ Social networking is the use of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with others. ● Identify the primary feature of an email. ○ The subject is an informative, catchy, and brief email line of text seen when the email reaches the recipient’s inbox. ○ CC is a courtesy copy (previously known as carbon copy) including one or more recipients when a message is intended for one person but is relevant to other people as well. ○ BCC is a blind courtesy copy (previously known as blind carbon copy) to let others see an email without the main recipient knowing. ■ Explain a variety of scenarios where CC and BCC would be used in anemail. ○ Attachment is a fle sent with an email message (i.e. image, video, text document). Often represented by a paperclip icon. ○ Signature is personalized text automatically included at the bottom of an email. A signature can include a name, address, phone number, website, and other business information. ○ Reply is the response to an email that goes to a single person (the person who sent the original email or the person who sent the last message in the email thread). ○ Reply all is the response to an email that goes to everyone who was included in the email, including CC. ■ Explain a variety of scenarios where reply and reply all would be used in an email. ○ Forward is the operation of resending an email message delivered to one email address to one or more different email addresses. ● Identify the primary email folders. ○ Inbox ○ Deleted/Trash ○ SPAM/Junk Mail

End of Unit Competency ● I can identify and describe the components of the Internet.

● I can explain and navigate the Internet.

● I can identify and describe some examples of online communication tools.

● I can identify and defne the primary features of email. Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information

■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details, or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify the entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner ( descriptions) Performance Skill: ● Students will demonstrate how to send emails for a variety of purposes and audiences. ● Students will describe how digital communication tools can be used to accomplish tasks for a specifc purpose. Differentiation in Action Skill Building Identifying Components of the Internet ● Interactive Lessons and Visuals: Network Diagrams and Internet Mapping Activities ● Hands-on Activities: Device connections, both wired and wireless, IP address discovery activities

● Exploration of Web Technologies: Browser Navigation Best Practice lesson, search engine practices to get information of value Connecting to and Navigating the Internet ● ISP and Bandwidth Comparisons: research ISPs, conduct bandwidth experiments ● Website Navigation Simulations: mock website navigation exercises, real-world website navigation activity to fnd a set piece of information Using Online Communication Tools ● Email simulations ● Scenario-based tasks for communication via email ● Video Call simulations ● Web Authoring Projects: website creation, blogging activity ● Social Networking and Online Presence: Mock Profle Creation Simulation


Utilize Internet communication tools to connect with others: ● Students participating in a classroom exchange through email to utilize email or instant messaging tools (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration). ● Connect with a classroom as a whole through the use of Google Meet or Skype for virtual feld trips, and/or guest speakers (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration.) Create or design Internet communication tools: ● Create a website with Google Sites that discusses a topic you’re passionate about that relates to Digital Literacy. Use the website to display your research and share why you feel the topic is important. ● Research beginning network design concepts and create a potential network map applying key terminology from the standards.

Resources/ Suggested Lesson(s) Video- The Internet: Wires Cables & Wif

Wired vs. WiFi Connections

Impact of the Internet- ThingLink

Benefts and Dangers of the Internet

Internet Reading: Benefts and Dangers

Google Applied Digital Skills- Email Writing

Skills : ● Apply key vocabulary about components of the internet to visually represent how the internet works by using the representation to compare types of internet connections. ● Demonstrate through a practice scenario how to navigate parts of a website or webpage and by applying proper search techniques. ● Explain the importance of media literacy and apply skills to practice scenarios or in a research scenario. ● Utilize email messaging to write emails to a fellow student or teacher about school-related topics with an attachment or inline-image. Email writing should include key elements such as an appropriate subject, greeting, body, and closing.

Scaffolded Learning : ● Utilize Internet communication tools to connect with others:

○ Students participating in a classroom exchange through email to utilize email or instant messaging tools (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration) ○ Connect with a classroom as a whole through the use of Google Meet or Skype for virtual feld trips, and/or guest speakers (pre-set-up by the teacher and approved by administration). ● Create or design Internet communication tools: ○ Create a website with Google Sites that discusses a topic you’re passionate about that relates to Digital Literacy. Use the website to display your research and share why you feel the topic is important. ○ Research beginning network design concepts and create a potential network map applying key terminology from the standards. Vocabulary



Wireless (Wi-Fi)

Uniform resources locator (URL)

Internet protocol (IP) address

Internet browser

Search engine


Internet Service Provider



Instant messaging

Video conference

Web authoring







UNIT3 Unpacked

Internet and Online Communication



● Video- The Internet: Wires Cables & Wifi ● Wired vs. WiFi Connections ● Impact of the Internet- ThingLink ● Benefits and Dangers of the Internet ● Internet Reading: Benefits and Dangers ● Google Applied Digital Skills- Email Writing

A/B Day Schedule: 6 Weeks Semester Schedule: 3 Weeks

STANDARDS 3: (Digital Communication) Students will use digital tools for the purpose of learning through connecting to the Internet, navigating websites, and sending and receiving communications digitally. 1: Identify the components of the Internet. 2: Explain how to connect to and navigate the Internet. 3: Identify a variety of online communication tools and the primary features of email. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Components of the Internet ● Connecting to and Navigating the Internet ● Online Communication Tools and Email Features ● Simplifed Language and Clear Instructions ● Visual Aides

● Internet Literacy ● Connectivity Skills ● Web Navigation Profciency ● Digital Communication Skills ● Information Management ● Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ● Digital Citizenship and Ethics

● Vocabulary Support ● Multimodal Learning Materials ● Language Accommodations ● Scaffolding and Guided Practice


1. Basic Internet Literacy 2. Internet Connectivity and Confguration 3. Web Navigation Profciency 4. Digital Communication Tools 5. Information Management and Digital Citizenship 6. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

7. Professional Communication and Collaboration

VOCABULARY ● Network ● Internet

● Wireless (WiFi) ● Uniform Resource Locator (URL) ● Internet Protocol (IP) Address ● Internet Browser ● Search Engine ● Server ● Internet Service Provider ● Bandwidth ● Email

● Instant messaging ● Video conference ● Web Authoring ● Subject ● CC ● BCC ● Attachment ● Signature ● Reply

● Reply all ● Forward END OF UNIT COMPETENCIES- Performance Skills

● Students will demonstrate how to send emails for a variety of purposes and audiences. ● Students will describe how digital communication tools can be used to accomplish tasks for a specifc purpose. DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Hands-on Practices ● Interactive Tutorials And Demonstrations ● Role-Playing and Simulations ● Collaborative Projects ● Multimodal Learning Resources ● Real-World Applications

Skill Building

● Advanced Digital Tools ● Digital Marketing ● Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy ● Digital Storytelling


Unit 4

Digital Citizenship


Key Language Usage

Narrate Argue Inform Explain

A/B Day Schedule: 6 Weeks Semester Schedule: 3 Weeks

Standards 4: (Digital Citizenship and Wellness) Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and risks of learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and model behaviors that are safe, legal, and ethical while balancing in-person responsibilities and relationships. 1: Defne digital citizenship and digital footprint. ● Digital citizenship is norms of appropriate, responsible, and healthy behavior related to technology use, including digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, and security. (Utah Code 63C-22-102) ● A digital footprint is the data collected about a particular person and their direct or proximal interactions with digital devices whether online or offine. ○ Discuss the present and future impacts of a digital footprint. 2: Demonstrate knowledge of online safety, digital security, and online privacy. ● Online safety is being aware of online risks and maximizing the user’s safety. ● Identify guidelines to protect users from various types of online predators. ○ Avoid using suggestive screen names or photos. ○ Be aware of excessive attention. ○ Do not talk to anyone who wants to get too personal. ○ Keep in mind that people are not always who they say they are. ○ Never arrange to meet with someone in person you only know online. ○ Tell a trusted adult if you encounter a problem. ● Identify threats in the digital world.

○ Denial of service attacks is an attack to shut down a computer device or network by fooding it with traffc to make it inaccessible to the intended users. ○ Hackers are people or programs that use computers to gain unauthorized access to data. ○ Online privacy is the protection of private data and communication. ■ Location tracking is the tracking of a digital device on where it goes and how long it stays there. ■ Cookies are data stored on your browser to track online behavior. ■ Device fngerprinting is using your browser’s settings and history to track your activity. ○ Malware is software that is specifcally designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a digital device. ■ Ransomware is a type of malicious software that is used to block access to a digital device until a sum of money is paid. ■ Spyware is software that enables a user to obtain private information about another's computer activity by transmitting data secretly from their hard drive.

■ Trojan Horse is a malicious code that looks legitimate and takes control of your computer to damage, disrupt, and destroy your data. ○ Identify indicators of safe online transactions. ■ URL lock symbol (HTTPS) ■ Credit Card/payment services (e.g. PayPal, Venmo) ■ Reputable retailers ■ Virtual Private Network (VPN) ○ Identify threats to email and online communication. ■ Catfshing ■ Online scams ■ Hacking ■ Phishing attacks ■ Unknown links and QR codes ○ Identify components of credible online content. ■ Domain name (name of the website) ■ Top-level Domain (e.g. .org, .com, .net,.edu, .gov) ■ Author ■ Date 3: Defne intellectual property and the legal and responsible use of technology. ● Intellectual property is a creative work or idea for which an individual has ownership rights. ● Identify common intellectual property protections. ○ Copyright is the exclusive legal right given to the creator of works printed, posted, published, flmed, or recorded. ○ Creative commons as licenses that allow for the distribution of copyrighted works when the realtor wants to give other people the right to share, use, or build upon what they have created. ○ Public domain is intellectual property that is available for public use. ● Identify intellectual property violations. ○ Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s intellectual property and using it as your own (e.g. copy/paste, images). ○ Piracy is the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials (e.g. music, video, images) ● Discuss the responsible use of AI tools in the creation of content. ○ Digital wellness is the preventative measures aimed at regulating and improving the healthy use of technology. ○ Identify measures to achieve personal digital wellness. ■ Create boundaries (e.g. set limits for certain apps and sites, time limits, and limit notifcations) ■ Try single-tasking (e.g. to improve focus, try to reduce the number of screens around. ■ Limit the use of digital devices to as much as possible each day. ○ Identify ways to balance personal wellness and technology. ■ Spend time connecting with family and friends offine each day. ■ Exercise regularly and enjoy time outside. ■ Eat healthy food, get plenty of sleep, and don’t take tech to bed withyou. ○ Recognize how algorithms limit viewpoints; determine what content is ■ Verifed sources ■ Lateral reading

directed to the user; and manipulate online activity to reinforce behavior, use, and dependency on technology. ○ Learn how to discern what is real and what is not (e.g. Artifcial Intelligence (AI) generated content (deepfake); flters, photos, and video alterations, etc.) ○ Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating, embarrassing, or threatening nature. ○ Identify strategies to deal with cyberbullying. ■ Report cyberbullying to a parent or trusted adult. ■ Do not respond to and do not forward cyberbullying messages. ■ Screenshot evidence of cyberbullying. ■ Block the person who is cyberbullying. ○ Identify the consequences of cyberbullying for the perpetrator and victim. ■ Perpetrator ● Criminal record

● Internet or app restrictions ● Negative digital footprint ● School discipline

■ Victim

● Anxiety/Depression ● Changes in appetite ● Stress of being in a constant state of fear ● Change in school performance

End of Unit Competency

● I can explain digital citizenship.

● I can explain and defne what a good digital footprint means.

● I can explain online safety, digital security, and online privacy.

● I can identify and describe the intellectual property.

● I can explain what my legal and ethical responsibilities to the digital world are.

● I can explain how to improve personal digital wellness .

Language Functions & Features: ■ Generalized nouns to introduce a topic and/or entity ■ Opening statements to identify the type of information

■ Verbs to defne career pathways or attributes (eg. have, be, belong to, consist of) ■ Expanded noun groups to defne key concepts, add details or classify information ■ Reporting devices to acknowledge outside sources and integrate information into the report as in saying verbs and direct quotes ■ Technical word choices to defne and classify an entity ■ Adjectives and adverbs to answer questions about quantity, size, shape, manner

( descriptions)

Performance Skill: Students will research a digital technology topic and present strategies to implement, improve, or promote positive digital wellness.

Differentiation in Action Skill Building

Digital Citizenship and Digital Footprint ● Interactive discussions: case studies and role-playing ● Footprint analysis project ● Digital Portfolio Online Safety, Digital Security, and Online Privacy ● Safety simulations: phishing simulations, privacy setting workshop Intellectual Property and Responsible Technology Use ● Creative Projects: copyright and Creative Commons licensing projects ● Plagiarism Detection Simulation ● Responsible AI uses content creation activity Digital Wellness ● Wellness challenges: reduce screen time journal, tech-free zone Algorithm Awareness and Critical Thinking ● Algorithm Analyses of a social media profle discussion ● Fact-checking workshop- deep fake identifcation activity Cyberbullying Awareness and Response ● Cyberbullying scenario role-play activity ● Reporting exercises ● Consequence Discussions and Impact Studies ● Develop a campaign for public awareness about digital citizenship and digital footprints ● Guest speakers from local industry experts ● Real-world case study ● Policy Development as written by the students for technology use ● AI Ethics Debate ● Arrange a Tech Company Virtual Field Trip ● Malware identifcation Exercise ● Safe online transaction activity ● Password creation exercise


Resources/Suggested Lesson(s) BrainPop Educator- Cyberbullying Lesson

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