Small Group Manual 2019-2020
ReadingRoutine for Phonetically Regular Words
Reading Routine for Irregular Words
Purpose: To read regular words and prepare students to read decodable text and anthology selection.
Purpose: To read irregular words and prepare students to read decodable text and anthology selections. Review the 1 st row of words (as needed) Point and Say the Word (teacher then student) Point to each letter (teacher) and Spell the Word (student) Sweep your finger under the WholeWord (teacher) and Say the Word (student) SAY: You are going to practice reading these words. When I point just to the left of a word, figure out the word in your head. (Note: 2 second wait time) When I slide my hand under the word, say the word.
Say: You are going to practice reading words. When I point just to the left of a word, figure out the word in your head. (Note: 2 second wait time) When I slide my hand under the word, say the word. Say: I will model for you how to say the first two words when I slide my hand under the word. My turn. Say: Each time I slide my hand under a word, you say the word. Your turn.
Correction Procedure: My turn. Word? Your turn. Word. Spell . Word. BACK UP 2
Correction Procedure: My turn. Word. Your turn. Word. Spell . Word. BACK UP 2
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fat sit
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said as
pan fat sit pit fit
was said as
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