Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Spelling Focused / Word Reading Routine
Spelling Routine forPhonetic Words
Purpose: To build automaticity with targeted spelling or vowel patterns when pronouncing words.
Purpose: To focus attention and accurately produce the individual sounds (phonemes) representing the particular graphemes (letter or letter combination) within a word. 1. Teacher says the word (or phoneme) a. May use the word in a sentence and repeat the word before the student repeats and spells theword 2. Student repeats the word (or phoneme) 3. Student segments thesound(s) (tapping each phoneme of the word) 4. Student spells the word (or phoneme) aloud by naming each letter (sound to symbol) 5. Student writes the word (or phoneme) naming each letter as he/she forms the letter pattern(s) 6. Student reads the word back to check Correction Procedure: If the student makes an error, the student crosses out the word and rewrites the word. Writing connection: Phrase and sentence dictation from a decodable text they are reading. The student orally repeats the phrase and/or sentence, writes the words and then proofreads their work.
Say: You are going to practice reading words. First you will say the sound for the targeted spelling or vowel pattern I will tap under in the word. When I slide my hand under the whole word, you will say the word. (Note: 1 second for sound tap; 2 seconds for reading the word Say: I will model for you how to say the sound for the pattern I tap under and then say the word. My turn. Say: Your turn. Sound error – My turn: Sound? Your turn: Sound? Let’s start over with the word. Word error – My turn: Sound. Word. Your turn: Sound. Word. BACK UP 2 but only repeat the word. Correction Procedure:
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