Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Letter Name Recognition Routine
Additive Blending Routine
Purpose: To practice blending individual sound/spellings continuously to make words.
Purpose: To accurately and automatically identify all upper and lower-case letter names.
Say : “I’mgoing towrite each letter that represents the sound I say. Watch me. /s/. (Write on theboard.)
Say: You are going to practice saying the names for some letters. When I point to the left of a letter, figure out the name in your head. (Note: 2 second wait time) Say the name of the letter when I tap under it. Say: I will model for you how to say the name of the first 2 letters when I touch under them. My turn. Say: Each time I tap under a letter, you say the name
/a/. (Write on the board.) /t/. (Write on the board.) “Now what word is /s/ /a/ /t/?” “The word is sat.” Say: “I will say more sounds and I will write the letter that represents each sound. Then blend the sounds and tell me the word.
of the letter. Your turn.
Reminder: Do not stop your voice when doing continuous blending.
Correction Procedure: My turn. Name? Your turn. Name? BACK UP 2
Writing connection : Sound – Spelling Mapping Template Grid
M z
b z g
b L
G m
“I will say the sounds and I want you to write the grapheme (letter or letter combinations) that represents eachsound. Then tellme the word.” Start with simple CVC with short vowels, then add consonant digraphs, consonant blends (initial, final then medial positions)
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