Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Dyad Reading with Challenging Text During Dyad Reading, students utilize strategic precision partnering to provide supported access to challenging text for struggling readers in a whole-class setting. Dyad Reading provides a time where struggling readers experience hearing, seeing, and saying the words of challenging text in great quantities, in order to improve sight recognition of words over time. There is preparation needed to teach the routines of Dyad Reading with students. Those steps involve teaching students to interact with each other and management routines. Paired Oral Reading is arguably one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods of developing student’s fluency (Flood, Lapp, & Fisher, 2005). For best results, Dyad Reading needs consistency of 3-5 sessions per week or 90 or more sessions a year. [ Parent guide available here explaining Dyad Reading for use at home.] Dyad Reading Rules
1. Students sit side-by side 2. Students share ONE book 3. Designated reader tracks the words with one smooth finger movement
4. Read aloud together 5. Keep eyes on words 6. Do not read too fast or too slow 7. Students record any text generated vocabulary words Task
1. Create precision partner pairs for the Dyad Reading using reading data from RI or Acadience Composite. • Rank students high to low • Pair the highest student with the middle student, second highest with second middle etc. More detail for precision partnering can be found here . (Partners can be switched quarterly.) 2. Prepare Materials: • Challenging reading material 2-3 levels above the struggling reader level. Organized for choice (3-5 selections fiction & nonfiction) • Notebook for students to record text generated vocabulary words
Teacher Prepares for Dyad Reading
Teacher states the learning intention (practice of reading and reading to learn) of Dyad Reading and introduces the routines of Dyad Reading. Teacher models routine: 1. How partners agree on which text to read and complete first. 2. Model designated reader tracking 3. Model partner reader as choral reading 4. Model clean-up procedure for Dyad Reading 5. Monitor the room & give positive and corrective feedback. Teacher states the learning intention of Dyad Reading and introduces how to record vocabulary words and explanation/discussion if there is confusion. 1. Model needing explanation for a vocabulary word. 2. Model any discussion about the book. 3. Monitor the room and gives positive and corrective feedback. 4. Teach any needed vocabulary (teacher discretion). Same as Day 1
Students sit with their preassigned precision partner. 1. Select first book to read 2. Practice how to track and read text chorally. 3. Practice clean-up procedure for Dyad Reading. 4. Receive positive and corrective feedback from teacher.
Day 1 15 minutes
Day 2 15 minutes
Same as Day 1
Students sit with their preassigned precision partner. 1. Select first book to read 2. Practice how to track and read text chorally. 3. Record vocabulary words. 4. Discuss any items needed about the text. 5. Generate oral or written examples of vocabulary.
Day 3 15 minutes
Day 4-5 15 minutes Days 6-10 15 minutes
Same as Day 3
Same as Day 3
Repeat the sessions as necessary until students can use Dyad Reading in various settings with challenging text, e.g., main selection, science & social studies, practice stations.
adapted from the work of Barrett, T. Brown, L. Kathleen Mohr,K. Wilcox, (2017).
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