Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Spelling Dictation Routine Five-Day Plan for Spelling Instruction
This five-day plan for spelling instruction represents best practices in developing students’ phonics and word study skills. The instructional routine below provides an overview of the daily activities that would support students’ abilities to generalize the patterns taught each week to new words andsettings. Materials needed: • Elkonin box (sound boxes) • Marker (e.g., color chips, tiles, or paper squares) • Writing materials (e.g., white boards, paper pencil, letter tiles) Day 1-3: Explicitly teach the spelling pattern, rule or generalization from Reading Street using 5-7 words (Day 1 option: pre-test to evaluate time needed to teach the spelling pattern throughout the week) • Spelling dictation routine • Say it: Say the word, use it in a sentence, repeat the word • Tap it: Segment and count the sounds • Map it: move one marker into each sound box, representing each sound • Graph it: Students say each sound and write the corresponding letters for each sound/marker as they go • Say the word (fish) • Read the spelling of the word (f-i-sh) Day 4: Students perform a word sort using the pattern of the week. Whole group or practice station • Possible Sorts: o New spelling pattern(s) combined with previously taught spelling pattern(s) that represent the letter sound correspondence (eg., Sound /ā/ spelled ay, ai, a_e) o Prefixes or Suffixes o Syllable types (eg., open, closed, le, v_e, vowel team, controlled r) Multisyllabic Days 1-3 for Grades 4 and 5 Day 1-3: Explicitly teach the spelling pattern, rule or generalization from Reading Street using 5-7 words (Day 1 option: pre-test to evaluate time needed to teach the spelling pattern throughout the week) • Spelling dictation routine • Say it: Say the word, use it in a sentence, repeat the word • Tap it: Segment and count each syllable, • Tap each syllable spelling if needed • Graph it: Students say each syllable and write the corresponding letters for each syllable as they go • Blend and read the syllables (fantastic) Day 5: Spelling Dictation Assessment: 10-20 Words • Say the word, use it in a sentence, repeat the word • Students repeat the word and independently write the word
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