Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Day 4 Display the Poster. Review the language learned on Day 3, and then have children use the Poster passage to demonstrate their understanding of the grammar skill in context. Example: Yesterday we learned about author’s purpose. What are some things the artist wants us to learn? Display sentence frames to guide production. Plants and animal are important. (communities) The plants and animal communities on the Poster show a food . (chain) As you listen to the Poster passage about animal and plant communities, raise your hand when you hear a noun. Have children identify whether the nouns are singular or plural. Day 5 Display the Poster and review the language learned this week. Ask the question of the week. Have children explain how the poster illustrations relate to the question of the week using this week’s vocabulary. Example: Have pairs identify singular and plural nouns they see in the Poster. Then have children add describing words to one of those things. (two snails; one orange snail and one blue snail; two big green leaves) How are plant and animal communities important to each other? (Plants and animals share space. They give each other food.)
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LC Poster Routines
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