Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Poster Routines Use the following Routines after the daily lessons for more practice or to assess understanding of the daily activities: Day 1 Display the Poster. Use the illustrations to review the vocabulary words with students. Have them demonstrate understanding of the lesson vocabulary words. Provide opportunities for verbal and non-verbal responses. Example: Point to the surface of the pool. Who does the trainer communicate with? How do they communicate? Show me other examples of communicate in the poster. Day 2 Display the Poster. Review the language learned on Day 1. Have students demonstrate understanding of the language workshop skill. Provide opportunities for verbal and non-verbal responses. Example: Yesterday we learned some new vocabulary words. Can you say a sentence about the poster using a new word? Have pairs practice making sentences using the vocabulary words and then share them with the class. Today we learned about using adjectives to describe people, places, and things. Look at the poster and use adjectives that describe the people, places, or things that you see. (two grey dolphins, the smiling boy, the wavy pool, a purple bow) Day 3 Display the Poster. Then review the language learned on Day 2. Have students demonstrate understanding of the comprehension skill by participating in a discussion using the Poster illustrations. Example: Yesterday you found people, places, and things in the poster and then used adjectives to describe them. I will point to some things in the poster, and you and your partner add adjectives to describe what I am pointing to. After students add adjectives to describe the illustrations, have pairs classify and categorize things in the poster. What things can we classify and categorize in the poster? Can you add adjectives to describe those things? (things that swim: two grey dolphins, three green fish; things that do not swim: a huge green tree, a blue shirt)
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LC Poster Routines
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