Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. can listen to the song and clarify their answers. Sing the song together. • Cut the song lyrics into phrase and sentence pieces and put them into envelopes, enough for each pair or group doing the activity. Have students try to put the song together before listening. After listening, students can clarify their answers, and then sing the song together. • Have students use the Song Book illustrations to talk about the weekly vocabulary. Language Central Song Book Routines Preview/Review Concept Routines • Use the Song as an active listening tool to preview or review the lesson concept. Before playing the song, ask simple lead-in questions to give a purpose for listening. Play the song and have students listen to answer your questions. Play the song again to clarify their understanding. Preview Concept Example: What animal is this song about? What does that animal do? (a whale; communicates, sings songs) Review Concept Example: Yesterday, we listened to a song about animal behavior. What animal behaviors do you remember? Have students compare their answers before and after listening to the song. Provide sentence frames to scaffold language. Examples: The song is about . This animal . • Use the song to review the lesson concept and weekly question. At the beginning or end of the class, sing the song together. Then have students tell how the song is related to the question of the week, using lesson vocabulary. • Have students work in pairs or in small groups to write another verse to the song. Encourage students to continue the rhyme scheme that is already in the song. Then have students perform their verse for the class. Vocabulary Routines • Review lesson vocabulary by having students illustrate the song with their own drawings or rebus symbols that convey meaning. • Use the song to review the lesson vocabulary. Play the song and have students pantomime the vocabulary words or raise their hands when they hear the vocabulary words as they listen. Review the meanings of the words, and then sing the song together. • Make a cloze version of the song lyrics, leaving blank lines where the vocabulary words appear. Display the vocabulary word cards or provide a word bank. Have pairs try to place the words in the appropriate blank. Then students
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LC Song Book Routines ©Canyons Sch ol District
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