Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Day 4 Display the Poster. Review the language learned on Day 3. Then have children demonstrate understanding of the day’s phonemic awareness or phonics skill using the poster illustrations or poster passage. Example: Read the poster passage aloud. Have children raise their hands when they hear high frequency words a and to . Have children look at the poster. Point to four items in the poster (moon, night, morning, guitar). Which words have the /m/ sound? ©Canyons School District LC Poster Routines — i — Poster Routines Use the following Routines after the daily lessons for more practice or to assess understanding of the daily activities: Day 1 Display the Poster. Review the vocabulary words with children. Then have children demonstrate understanding of the lesson vocabulary words. Provide opportunities for verbal and non-verbal responses. Example: Point to the girl who is looking for something. What is she trying to find? (a guitar) Which picture shows night? How do you know it is night? (There are stars; the girl has a light to read; they are wearing pajamas.) Day 2 Display the Poster. Review the language learned on Day 1. Have children demonstrate understanding of the category words from today’s lesson using the poster. Provide opportunities for verbal and non-verbal responses. Example: Which picture shows night? Which pictures do not show night? Point to the girl who is looking for something? What does she find? (The girl finds a guitar.) Today we learned words for musical instruments. A guitar is a musical instrument. Look at the poster and find the other musical instruments. (drums, maracas) Day 3 Display the Poster. Review the language learned onDay 2. Have children demonstrate understanding of the high frequency words by using them orally in sentences. Example: Point to and name the three musical instruments in the poster. (a guitar, drums, maracas) Which one do you want to play? Have children use the poster to make sentences using the high frequency words. Use sentence frames to guide production. I see a . I like to . He/she likes to .
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