8th grade Math Guide

Big Picture of Utah Mathematics Concepts, K–12

Mathematics is broken into strands, which are the buckets of main concepts that students learn over the course of time. As previously mentioned, success on the ACT is dependent upon the entirety of a student’s mathematics career from elementary school through high school . The following chart shows how the strands within the current Utah Core State Standards in mathematics build on one another. In the chart below, you will see which mathematics strands students are learning holistically throughout a given year and how the mathematics strands build on one another across a student’s academic career.

The domains of the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards for mathematics are similar to the strands of the Utah mathematics standards: geometry, statistics and probability, number and quantity, algebra, and functions. Standards unique to ACT are assigned to each category and can be found here: ACT mathematics college and career standards (http://www.act.org/content/dam/act/unsecured/documents/CCRS MathStandards.pdf).

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