Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities TIER 3 Implementation Guide

Function: Attention

HIGH RATIO OF POSITIVE:CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK See Tier 1/Tier 2 for baseline. As a Tier 3 intervention, few behavior interventions are effective or efficacious if positive teacher relationships are lacking. One way to improve such relationships is to make sure your rates of positive:corrective feedback match the specific student’s need. Collecting threshold data, or finding the student’s ‘sweet spot’ is very individualized and requires intensive planning. Students utilizing this level of support should have an individualized behavior plan. Implementation Examples: Escalating rate of reinforcement using student data 1. Find rate of problem behavior 2. Identify replacement behavior 3. Implementation Steps: ● Identify a way to consistently

measure your rate (motivaider, timer, visual) some way to support the habit Structuring enough OTRs in your lesson to make sure you can provide frequent enough feedback IFEED-AV should apply to your 4:1 rate Measurement is frequent enough that a consistent average of teacher implementation can be calculated

Choose a rate that is more frequent that the outburst - good rule of thumb is 10 percent more frequent and give student specific praise for any approximation of appropriate behavior. 4. Utilize a timer or motivaider to provide consistent, targeted feedback on student behavior in the moment Example: Student engages in outbursts every 6 min on average. Student has been taught to raise their hand instead of outbursts in order to answer or gain attention from adult. Rate of reinforcement must be more frequent than the problem behavior occurs. Every 5 min reinforce the student for any approximation of appropriate behavior. If the student engages in either more appropriate or the replacement behavior provide praise. If corrective feedback is given, find even more frequent opportunities to give specific feedback for correcting their behavior immediately. Reinforcement Schedule Types (from least to most intense; least to most effective)

Fidelity Check: ❏

Outside Observer: Consistent average of at least 4:1 when measured by OTRs and the feedback cycle (if a para or aide is providing this, a teacher may need to supplement with observing in the same way the instructional coach would observe this data on a teacher/case manager Student Interview: If a student was asked what they’re classroom expectations are would they be able to tell you? And would they be able to tell you how they know? (e.g., name rules and describe reinforcement of class)

Source: University of Central Florida School of Psychology ; video embedded

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