Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities: TIER 3 Implementation Guide

Function: Attention

PRECISION REQUESTS At Tier 3, Precision Requests follow a very explicit frequency and prompt rate. When modifying for Tier 3, you will need specific student data and more or less flexibility in compliance in order to meet the student’s needs, but adult fidelity with commands must be high.

Implementation Examples: Explicit Script example 1.

Implementation Guidelines:

Precision Requests as an intervention is: Following through with predictable prompting that we use during both compliance and non-compliance. Precision Requests as an intervention is not: Infrequent or inconsistently used during times of frustration. Using please/need at the same time or interchangeably Consequences should reflect your classroom expectations (e.g., “What if you do? What if you don’t?” chart, or whatever you’ve posted in your classroom for rewards and consequences (punishers) Give initial directions (e.g., “Everyone take out your pencil.”) a. If direction is not followed move to step 2, but wait 10 seconds before giving Please Prompt. b. If direction is followed within 10 seconds of prompt, praise (e.g., “Thank you for taking out your pencil.”) 2. Specify who needs to do what with a “Please…” (e.g., “Billy, Please take out your pencil.”) a. If direction is not followed move to step 3, but wait 10 seconds before giving Need Prompt. b. If direction is followed within 10 seconds of prompt, praise (e.g., “Thank you for taking out your pencil.”) 3. Specify who needs to do what with a “Need…” (e.g., “Billy, you Need to take out your pencil or you will owe me time.”) a. If direction is not followed move to step 4, but wait 10 seconds before giving consequence. b. If direction is followed within 10 seconds of prompt, praise (e.g., “Thank you for taking out your pencil.”) 4. Specify who, neutrally state that they owe you time. (e.g., “Billy, you owe me time.”) This process will start over after either: 1. Compliance (direction followed and praise is issued) or 2. You exhaust the list and they owe you the named consequence.

Identify which components of your Tier 2 Precision requests you will modify Take data to reflect a decrease in precision commands during certain schedule times, certain academic blocks, or whatever area you’re working to improve compliance (example data sheet is linked in Fidelity Checks below) Explicit individualization for one student is likely the Tier 3 modification (this can look like more wait time between prompts, different punishers as consequences, different rewards for compliance)

Methods of Data Collection: ●

Data sheet examples (here). Use tallies to keep track and build habits among different staff. If precision requests decrease at any step, that’s helpful data that skills are being built .

Fidelity Check: ●

Teacher/para observation - following through with the prompting ● Data sheets (‘owe time’ example here) paired with observation with at least 90% inter-rater reliability (could also compare with paras for efficacy in classroom)

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