Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide
Behavioral Instructional Priorities TIER 2 Implementation Guide
Functions: Attention and Escape
DE-ESCALATION STRATEGIES: HELP, PROMPT, WAIT The number one goal of de-escalation is safety. Safety for the student, other students, and staff. The next goal is to avoid reinforcing inappropriate or unsafe behavior. This enables less staff resources to be diverted to crisis behavior and more towards learning and academics.
Things to Consider: ● Before moving to Tier 2 de-escalation strategies, make sure Tier 1 strategies are being used consistently. ● Debriefing and data collection after an escalation is crucial to implementing Tier 2 de-escalation strategies.
Implementation Guidelines
Identify environmental triggers Identify student signals of stress, agitation, or aggression
Things to Identify
Guiding Questions
Is there a location esculations frequently happen?
Location: recess, hallway, intervention room, passing period, science class.
Intervene earlier than later with either Help or Prompt strategy Reinforce any type of communication Pick your battles (you can work on saying things a certain way at a later time) Reinforce any appropriate behavior prompt are working or if the student is becoming more agitated Once in ‘Wait’ look for any step down in escalation and try help or prompt again Switch to wait if neither help or
Is there a person with which the esculations frequently happen? Is there a time of day esculations frequently happen? What is happening right before an escalation? What happens to the individuals face before an escalation? What happens to the individual body before an escalation? Do they exhibit other minor behaviors before an escalation? What can be changed in the environment to better support this student? What can be modified in the academic curriculum to better support this student? What behavioral interventions does this student need to be successful?
People: teacher, admin, para, peer, aide
Environmen tal Triggers
Time: afternoon, after lunch, before BrainBoosters, 2:00pm
Antecedent: schedule change, peer interaction, task demand, loud noise, unstructured time
Face: red, no eye contact, pale, frowning, twitching, clenching teeth Body: Head down, tense muscles, balled fists, shaking, fidgeting
Student Signals
Other: Pacing, yelling, refusing to talk, noises, self-harm
Environmental Changes: seating, sensory input (increase or decrease), visual reminders, separated from peers Academics: chunking, modifying to level, visual supports, manipulatives, pre-teaching, increased intervention or special ed time Behavioral: pre-teaching expectations, higher rates of reinforcement, visual schedules, model appropriate behavior,
Antecedent Strategies
Fidelity Check: ❏
All tier 1 strategies are being used to fidelity: help, prompt, wait. ❏ A list of individual triggers and signals has been created. ❏ All members of the team are aware of student triggers and signals ❏ Multiple antecedent strategies have been identified and implemented
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