Special Education K-5 ELA and Supplemental Guide

Behavioral Instructional Priorities Implementation Guide

Link to Tier 2 - Instructional Guide document

STRUCTURED BREAKS Structured breaks are an alternative to escape maintained behaviors. They allow a safe alternative to elopement from the classroom or other unsafe or disruptive behaviors. Structured breaks give students the framework to escape more appropriately. Things to Consider: Implementation Guidelines: ● Identify safe space ● Before moving to Tier 2 structured breaks, make sure Tier 1 strategies are being used consistently

Visual instructions given to the child (maybe even in a checklist form): ● Step 1: Ask for a break by ____ (Example: giving the teacher a break card, verbally asking for a break, putting a colored paper on my desk) ● Step 2: Go to designated location (Example: outside the classroom, calm corner, front office, library) ● Step 3: On my break I can choose to do the following: _________ (Examples: put my head down, talk to the social worker, read a book, quietly play with a fidget) ● Step 4 : I can stay on my break for ___ minutes. I will set my timer for __ minutes ● Step 5 : When my timer goes off, I will turn off my timer, put away my activity, quietly go back to class within 1 minute of my break being over. ● Step 6: If I follow steps 1-5, I will earn ___ (Example: candy, computer time, opportunities to shorten assignments) Fade Procedure: Phase 1 : Every time the student asks for a break, the get to take a break. Phase 2 : After student is successfully asking for breaks, add in some limitations. An example of this would be only being able to ask for a specific number of breaks a day. If they do not use all their breaks, then they should earn an extra reward. Slowly decrease that number of breaks. Phase 3: After student is successfully add in a latency clause. Meaning if they ask for a break, the response is, “you can have a break is 1 minutes.” Slowly increase the time they have to wait. Data: Collect data at each stage to know if the student is ready to move up a phase, stay on the phase, or change back to an earlier stage.

Identify method for asking for a break

Identify options for break

Identify return procedure

Connect using breaks appropriately to a reward system (token economy) Teach procedure to student

Pre-teach procedure frequently

Use visuals in student space and break space for a reminder of expectations

Fidelity Check: Student should be able to answer these questions: ❏ How can I ask for a break? ❏ Where can I go? ❏ What can I do on my break? ❏ How long is my break? ❏ What I do after my break is done? ❏ What do I earn if I follow all the steps?

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