Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Language Central Implementation Checklist
Systematic Use of Materials • Teacher Edition is used during Instruction. • Concept Board o current o includes ELL Poster, vocabulary, visuals/supports • Student editions are easily accessible for use. o Students using student practice books and/or other LC ancillary materials • Ample use of Language Central materials to support lesson objectives.
• Digital resources are used to reinforce instruction. • Lesson/Unit is in line with CSD instructional priorities. Instructional Routines • Language objectives target forms and functions of language. o displayed o referred to throughout the lesson o reinforced in lesson delivery • Instructional content focuses on Teacher’s Edition lesson. • Concept board o used as a learning tool during instruction o supports peer interactions • Teacher uses contextualized instructional routines. o Song Book
o Vocabulary Templates o Weekly Concept Journal
o ELL Poster o Table Talk • Teacher plans intentionally for frequent structured student interaction & response opportunities o precision partnering strategies o leveled sentence frames and/or language supports evident o Interactions reinforce daily language objectives o Varied and frequent response types: verbal, nonverbal, physical, choral, partners, individual • Teacher scaffolds and supports based on student responses. • Teacher provides timely feedback. o corrective o positive o looped o embraces native language • Transitions are smooth and students are clearly following a previously articulated routine. English Language Development Instruction Time • Students grouped by language proficiency level OR Instruction is differentiated based on proficiency level. • ELD teaching area is o well-organized o supportive of language development (Visuals, materials, graphic organizers, etc.) • Teacher provides students with ample feedback and opportunities to practice using oral language. • Routines, procedures and expectations are evident. • Extension activities reinforce, review and/or extend the use of language form, function, and/or explicit academic vocabulary development. ©Canyons School District 78
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