Small Group Manual 2019-2020
ELD Instructional Block
• Daily, 45 minutes of focused and systematic English Language Development instruction including concept development, explicit English form and function teaching, and academic language development connected to reading, writing, listening, and speaking by an ESL endorsed teacher. • Scaffolds such as visuals and models make the input more comprehensible. • Instruction is appropriate to the student’s language proficiency level—from beginning to advanced levels. • Attention to oral and written language production occurs in daily, weekly, and unit-level speaking and writing activities. • High-interest, low-anxiety tasks activate knowledge and build background.
Classrooms or Grades implementing the ELL Handbook
Utilize the Fluency and Frontloading lesson plans to integrate the ELL handbook during skills-based instruction (SBI) daily to provide the 30 minutes of ELD instructional minutes. Additional SBI minutes (15-30 minutes), should address language and literacy deficit areas identified during the instructional sorting process.
Schools implementing Language Central
Utilize the Language Central 5 Day Instructional Plan with the accompanying Language Central materials aligned to Core instruction with in the CSD map scope and sequence.
When deciding which students may benefit from Language Central consider the following:
1. ALL students with WIDA levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 will be included in the ELD instructional block. 2. Students with WIDA level 5 can also be included in the ELD instructional block. 3. Native English speakers might be considered if the instructional team has identified language needs. If further clarification is needed, please contact your external coach. Newcomers are students newly arrived to the United States (refugees, immigrants). Newcomers with little or no English should receive ELD instruction during SBI time as indicated above, and could benefit from programs like Imagine Learning. Contact the elementary teacher specialist in Student Advocacy and Access for more information and supports (801.826.5111).
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