Small Group Manual 2019-2020
RTI Kit Implementation Flow Chart – Phonics
Assess • CBM Benchmark Assessment • Perform Instructional Sort using CBM results
Step 1
Place • Determine the starting point for instruction within RtI Kit u sing the lesson alignment guide .
Step 2
Teach • Provide explicit, systematic instruction, T e a c h D a y 1 - using the RtI Kit • Provide ample practice opportunities and specific feedback
Step 3
Decide • Determine if student has achieved desired outcome.
Step 4
Teach Day 2 •
Provide ample practice and opportunities and specific feedback
Move to the next skill
Teach Day 3 •
Provide ample practice and opportunities and specific feedback
Move to the next skill
Step 5: Phonics only
Teach Day 4 & More •
Move to the next skill
Provide FCRR Activities from Lesson Alignment Guide
Needs More
Move to Second Intervention on the Intervention Protocol
Step 6
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