Small Group Manual 2019-2020
identifies lessons appropriate for this group. It may also be used with larger groups for at-risk student populations. Cost: $ 64.95 from the publisher
Teach student to adjust rate of reading to type of text and purpose for reading Graphing for accuracy
Lesson Plan using the Reading Street RtI Kit to deliver lessons focused on monitoring for accuracy, pacing, prosody and digging deeper into phonics skills. Cost: Small Group Manual provided at HYPE or New Teacher orientation. ~$22.00 at Teacher Resource Center. Decodable Resources available online or ~$2.00 per book ordered from the Teacher Resource Center. For current users only 2 . Purpose is to build reading accuracy. Students do repeated readings, in pairs, of one-minute nonfiction passages with partners. Number of words read correctly are graphed. Accuracy is tracked. Students are encouraged to retell for text comprehension. *Program after training is recommended as a practice station. This program’s routine can be used with RS Fresh Reads 2 Cost: 149.00 per level—primary and intermediate Designed for paired practice to develop fluency with text. Applies a strategic approach to reading to ensure text comprehension and enhance vocabulary. (Story Share Routine & paragraph shrinking) — *Program after training is recommended as a practice station. No cost if you contact ISD for training and support Cost: $ 64.95 from the publisher
• 15-20 minutes per day • 4-5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary or mastery 1
SBI Manual Group 3 RtI Kit
• 6-10 minutes per day • 4-5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
Six-Minute Solution
• 10-15 minutes per day • 3-5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
Group 4 recommendations: Students in this group need intensive instruction in the targeted skill of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics. It is recommended that students in this group receive 30 minutes of intervention daily. It is also recommended, where time permits, that students in this group utilize computer instruction (i.e., Lexia) for independent practice opportunities rather than other independent practice stations. It is critical that students in this group have phonemic awareness daily. Students in this group need to be making above typical or well above typical progress as defined by Acadience Reading, otherwise adjust the intensity of instruction.
Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-based Instruction
Critical Components of Instruction
Targeted Skill
Grade Level(s)
Time Allocation for High Quality Instruction
Intervention Description
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (Group 4)
Fast-paced, 5 lesson sequence spiraled instruction with beginning literacy skills, including phonemic awareness, phonics, writing, dictation. *Intensive scripted program. Schools currently have ERI kits that were provided by ISD. If more are needed contact ISD. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is designed to provide systematic and explicit instruction in phonological decoding and comprehension practice. An Instructional alignment is found in the map which identifies lessons appropriate for this group. It may
Phonemic Awareness
• • •
• 30 minutes per day • 5 days a week • 30-40 weeks • 15 minutes • 4-5 days per week • 10-15 weeks
Sound, Word, Phrase, Connected text level reading
Spelling Dictation
• •
Rereading for fluency
March 26, 2019
4 25
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