Small Group Manual 2019-2020
fluency. Supports vocabulary with instruction on affixes, base words and roots. Students must be proficient at a 3rd grade level. Rewards protocol outlines a 50 minute session for lessons 1-19 and 90 minutes for lessons 20-25. Lessons 20-25 could be split into two 45 minute sessions. District protocol outlines the 45 minute split session. Cost: $97.95 for teacher manual, $11.95 for student manual . Materials have four parts: sound awareness (phonological/phonemic awareness), letter recognition and phonics, high frequency sight words and phrases, and stories for oral reading. The stories are included and begin at the pre-primer level with questions to follow-up reading. * This program might be chosen to support staff with short time frames. Might also be used with a volunteer tutoring system. Cost: ~$199.00-$239.00 Computer-based instruction. Uses a guided window to help train student’s eyes to move smoothly and quickly across the text to increase speed. Comprehension questions follow the selection and vocabulary is built into instruction. Cost: State Grant, or ~ $23.00 per student Use to intensify instruction for students acquiring English as a second language. For additional information contact Student Advocacy and Access Cost: Small Group Manual provided at HYPE or New Teacher orientation. ~$22.00 at Teacher Resource Center. Decodable Resources available online or ~$2.00 per book ordered from the Teacher Resource Center.
• 8 weeks of instruction
• 10 minutes a day • 3-5 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1
Great Leaps
• 30 minutes per session • 4 days per week • As many weeks as necessary 1 • Follow Minutes for SBI manual group 2. • Group 2 Lesson Plan includes supports for students acquiring English as a second language
Reading Plus
SBI Manual ELL Fluency Lesson Plan ELL Handbook
Group 3 recommendations: Students in this group are performing at benchmark rate but are below benchmark in accuracy. These students have difficulty monitoring their own errors which prevents them from gaining meaning from text, thus comprehension is low. Further assessment may be needed to determine why they are making errors. It is important to note that rate will slow while building accuracy. Students with this targeted skill need to set goals and self-monitor progress with accuracy through graphing timed passages. Teach students to adjust rate to account for meaning of the text. Substantial practice may be needed with decodable text. Any ELs falling in this group will need further diagnostics for targeting needs.
Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-based Instruction
Critical Components of Instruction
Targeted Skill
Grade Level(s)
Time Allocation for High Quality Instruction
Intervention Description
K- PALS contains systematic activities to improve early reading skills phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. Cost— available at the District Teacher Resource Center for order. ~$2.00 per book. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is designed to provide systematic and explicit and instruction in phonological decoding and comprehension practice. An Instructional alignment is found in the map which
Choral, Cloze, Dyad, Paired or Whisper reading
• 15 minutes per day • 4-5 days per week • 20 Weeks • 15 minutes • 4-5 days per week • 10-15 weeks
Monitoring for Accuracy and Comprehension (Group 3)
Writing about text Explicit modeling of accurate reading
• •
March 26, 2019
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