Small Group Manual 2019-2020
MTSS Standardized/Contextualized
High Quality Implementation “Because every group of students is unique in terms of experiences, needs and cultural background, implementing well also means knowing when and how a program may need to be adapted in order to achieve its goals. It's possible to retain fidelity to program design by making sure any modifications are aligned with the program's message and objectives.” Dusenbury, L. Education World 2012 . The role of the district is to standardize the process while the role of the buildings is to contextualize implementation.
District: Standardizing the Process •
Building: Contextualizing Implementation • Consider unique factors that will need to be addressed based on school context • Student Population • Data Analysis • Master Schedule • Community • Allocation of Resources • Customize based on these factors in order to make it your own to ensure student learning • School vision aligns to district vision
Common understanding of evidence-based practices for academic and behavioral instruction • Common sequencing, materials, and resources • Common set of expectations for implementation • Allocated resources across the district to support staff in strong implementation, so gains in student outcomes are evident
Pre-determined data sets and data management systems to evaluate implementation efforts
Processes for obtaining and providing feedback from implementers that includes systematic and on-going data analysis
The following pages show English Language Arts Tier II contextualize. Schools use the standardized components to ensure high quality implementation. Schools also contextualize to intensify and extend based on student need in both Tier I and in Tier II. ELA: In English Language Arts, the Reading Street five-day plan refers to standardized components of Tier I. Tier II, by definition, is contextualized. Consequently, the contextualized components are not represented on the five-day plan. Each school should have a plan for contextualizing Tier I core and Tier II components within ELA. A sample tier II plan can be viewed. The site-based plan becomes the school’s defined MTSS.
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