Small Group Manual 2019-2020
➢ Students choose from Practice Station options. ➢ Students move freely from independent tasks and Practice Stations following the directions the teacher has given. ➢ Students actively participate in a debriefing session.
expectations and routines while the whole class watches. ➢ Teacher gives the independent tasks for small- group time and the Practice Station options. ➢ Teacher pulls one group for about 10-15 minutes to work with who needs reteaching/preteaching. ➢ Teacher ends small-group time with a debriefing session with whole class.
➢ Same as Day 14 above
➢ Same as Day 16 above ➢
Phase IV: Multiple Tasks—Teacher Pulls Multiple Groups
45-60 From now on, any time a new activity or Practice Station is added for small-group time, the teacher should follow a similar routine as the one established above. When ready to begin Phase IV, the teacher may begin to pull multiple groups for an extended time (10-15 min. each group) using intervention and challenge materials and activities.
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