Small Group Manual 2019-2020
➢ Same as Day 1 above
➢ Same as Day 1 above
Practice small- group time expectations and routines Practice small- group time expectations and routines
➢ Teacher quickly reviews each of the expectations and routines for small-group time. ➢ Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. ➢ Teacher gives students a task (that needs little explanation) to do independently at their seats. ➢ Teacher monitors room; but does not engage with students. ➢ Teacher ends small-group time with a debriefing session with whole class. ➢ Teacher introduces and explains each of the expectations and routines for a Practice Station #1 (e.g. Fluency Station with Fresh Reads) that will be consistently utilized. ➢ Teacher chooses students to model each expectation and routine while the whole class watches. ➢ Teacher reviews expectations and routines for small group time and the Practice Station #1 from Day 7. ➢ Teacher chooses students to model some expectations and routines while the whole class watches. ➢ Teacher has whole class practice performing that Practice Station #1. ➢ Teacher monitors room; but does not engage with students. ➢ Same as Day 3 above ➢ Same as Day 3 above
➢ Students listen while teacher reviews expectations and routines. ➢ Individual students model for others what the expectations and routines look and sound like. ➢ All students work independently at their seats. ➢ Students actively participate in a debriefing session. ➢ Students learn about the selected Practice Station #1 expectations and routines and discuss the importance of each with the whole group. ➢ Individual students model for others what the expectations and routines look and sound like. ➢ Students learn about the selected Practice Station #1 expectation and routines and discuss the importance of each with the whole group. ➢ Individual students model for others what the expectation and routines look and sound like. ➢ All students actively work on Practice Station #1. ➢ Students actively participate in a ➢ Same as Day 3 above ➢ Same as Day 3 above
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Introduce Practice Station #1
Review expectations and routines for the Practice Station #1
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