Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Phonics and Fluency 1 st Grade Group 2
Focus of Instruction: 1. Building automaticity, but do not ignore making meaning 2. Repeated reading 3. Word or phrase level automaticity in addition to passages 4. Grouping words to make meaning, pacing punctuation 5. Read for main ideas, summarizing and/or text elements Part I Content Instructional Plan
Read a decodable
Phonics: Warm-up
Decodable Reader
CSD Decodable Text
3 minutes
Phonics blending routine
Phonics Blending Practice 5 min
Routine Cards 1-3
Use Mini Lesson # _____, (RtI kit) with a chosen excerpt of text from the Decodable Reader
RTI kit fluency Lesson Book Decodable Reader
Fluency Lesson 5 -7 min
Part II
Instructional Plan
Use word bank from decodable reader or main selection as review/warm-up quick reread of words Model the reading excerpt from the Decodable Reader Or Main Selection Students read decodable or main selection Group Reading Strategies Tell, Ask, Start Again strategy: Tell: “That word is___.” Ask: “What word?” Start Again: “Start the sentence again.” Reread text using the Tell, Ask, Start again strategy. Build fluency with rate, accuracy and expression. Evaluate on the last read using the fluency expression rubric.
Review: read and blend targeted words 2 minutes Modeled Reading of Text 5 minutes
Decodable Reader Word Bank or identified text selection with word bank Decodable Reader, main selection or Fresh Read
• Decodable, main selection, or Fresh Read • PALS Bookmark
Choral or Paired Read 5 minutes
Repeated Read 3 min
Text excerpt (same text) Timer Fluency Expression Rubric Tell, Ask, Start Again Strategy
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