Small Group Manual 2019-2020
Frontload Lesson 3 rd grade Example
Group 4
1. Choose one day of the week. 2. Choose 1 Group 4 skill and 1 ELD Purpose of Instruction. 3. Answer questions below. 4. Identify ELL resources and scaffolds.
Day of the week
ELD Purpose of instruction Increase success with main selection
Group 4 skills taught
ELL Resource
ELL Scaffolds
Multilingual summary Word Cards
Gestures during picture walk
Reading Comprehension
1 3 rd grade student has a composite WIDA score of 2 (2.75) Speaking: level 4 Listening: level 3 Reading and Writing: level 2 Student speaks and reads Spanish at home SWBAT: comprehend the gist of the main selection and fluently read key vocabulary SWBAT: verbally explain the gist of the main selection and read key vocabulary. Write the gist of the main selection using a graphic organizer.
What do I know about my ELL students’ English language ability and needs?
What is the content objective for my ELL students? What is the language objective today for my ELL students? How will I know they have met the language objective? What do I know about my Group 4 students’ reading ability and needs? What is the content objective today for my non ELL students? How will I know they have met the content objective? What resources do I have to target language development opportunities? What resources do I have to target my non ELL students?
Student verbal response Student graphic organizer of gist
15 students in 3 rd grade are in quad 3. They are reading below benchmark and inaccurately.
SWBAT: comprehend the gist of the main selection
Student verbal response Student written graphic organizer of gist
ELL Small Group Support pages Reading Comprehension ELL Handbook Multilingual Summary ELL Handbook Word Cards
ELL Small Group Support pages Reading Comprehension
Picture walk of main selection Questioning with graphic organizer Model reading of select paragraph Paired reading Reading of Multilingual summary Guided practice with word cards ELL student placed next to teacher Precision partner along side ELL student Retelling cards Graphic organizer Pointing and restating during picture walk
What learning opportunities will I provide for all students in the group?
What learning opportunities will I provide for my ELL students How will I arrange my students at the table?
What scaffolds or supports will I need?
ELL student will read multilingual summary during transition time
How will I utilize transition time?
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