SALTA 5th grade

challenge a partner or other group to identify an object. For example, I am thinking of an object that is located at ((5, 8). (DOK 3)

Points G, B, and H are 3 corners of a rectangle. What is the ordered pair of the fourth corner?


Once you have found the ordered pair of the fourth corner, connect the corners to create the rectangle. Are there other sets of 3 points that form corners of rectangles? Identify at least two other sets of 3 points. Compare the areas of the rectangles. (DOK 3) The local department store has recently released its information regarding video game sales over the last nine months. In the first month they sold 75 games. In the next month they sold 72. In the third month they sold 60, and in the fourth they sold 42. In the fifth month they sold 45, in the sixth they sold 38, in the seventh they sold 56, in the eighth they sold 62, and in the ninth they sold 79. Organize this data in a chart and then plot it on a coordinate grid to help the store understand their video games sales. Can you predict future sales based on this data? Use the chart to justify your answer.


Give students a map that has the coordinate grid overlaid. Ask students to find the coordinates of specifics landmarks and have them find landmarks at given ordered pairs.

(DOK 1)

(DOK 3)

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