SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map
K-5 Dreambox
Dreambox is an adaptive, online K-8 math program that engages students in a game-like environment to fill targeted skill gaps or enrich students. Dreambox is highly motiving, challenging, standards-aligned and is available in both English and Spanish.
60-90 Minutes a Week
(Digital Intervention ) Cost • $30 Per Student with a minimum of 75 students • $7900 a year for less than 500 students. • $8500 a year for 500 + students • multi-year subscription decreases cost 5%
K-5 iReady
iReady is a digital, adaptive program aligned to the Utah Core Mathematics Standards. The program has built in assessments, grouping and lessons to support skill-based instruction. Students can work at an individualized pace or work on a standard/skill assigned by the teacher that aligns to core instruction.
25-48 Minutes a Week
(Digital Intervention)
(STEM Grant) Cost $30 per student, per subject, per year Schools must purchase a minimum of 150 licenses
K-5 Digital Math Games (enVision 2.0)
Based on Student Need Based on Student Need
• Provides an engaging way to practice application of computation. • Located on the Assess and Differentiate page at the end of each lesson. • Differentiated centers where students have opportunities to share their thinking with a partner while engaging in a math game.
• Extending Math Learning
K-5 On level and
advanced activity centers (enVision 2.0)
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