SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

issue is no longer a matter of, “does the student know how to do an algorithm?” rather , it is the development over time of an assortment of flexible skills that will best serve students in future mathematics learning as well as the real world (Van De Walle, 2014).

Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-Based Instructional Time

Grade Level(s )

Time Allocation for High Quality Implementation 10-15 Minutes a Lesson

Targeted Skill

Critical Components of Instruction


Intervention Description

Computation (Numbers and Operations in Base Ten and

K-5 Intervention Activity (enVision 2.0)

The intervention activity is located in the Assess and Differentiate section of each lesson. The intervention lesson presents the concepts in a different way that is usually more concrete and hands-on.

• Identify and share the learning intention and success criteria • Use systematic vocabulary routine • Begin with manipulatives as you move and make connections from concrete, representational to abstract • Use a teacher think-aloud • Provide numerous examples • Pose purposeful questions to provide opportunities for structured student discussion • Give opportunities to solve problems in a group and communicate problem solving strategies • Provide ongoing specific feedback • Plan frequent checks for understanding • Provide opportunities for the students to apply the skill in word problems

Fractions, Decimals)

K-5 Reteaching Worksheet

The Reteaching Worksheet is located in the Assess and Differentiate section of each lesson. Provide manipulatives and guided instruction to support the Reteaching Worksheet

10-15 Minutes a Lesson

(enVision 2.0)

K-5 MDIS Intervention Lesson (enVision 2.0)

15-20 Minutes a Lesson

• Use the Item Analysis for Diagnosis and Intervention (RtI) provided for each assessment to analyze gaps in skills/standards to know which book and page in the Math Diagnosis and Intervention System 2.0 (MDIS) to refer to. • Use the recommended Intervention Lesson in the maroon pages at the beginning of the booklet in the Math Diagnosis and Intervention System 2.0 (MDIS). Follow the lesson sequence: • Conceptual Development • Practice • Assessment


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