SALTA 1st Grade Curriculum Map

Problem Solving is an effective teaching strategy that supports students in utilizing the standards of mathematical practice and should be integrated into daily math instruction. It engages students in analyzing and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning. Good problem-solving tasks include multiple entry points, varied solution strategies, and require structured discussion between students. Problem solving is an integral part of all mathematics learning and should not be an isolated part of the mathematics program. (Van De Walle, 2014).

Approved Resources and Supports for Skill-Based Instructional Time

Grade Level(s )

Time Allocation for High Quality Implementation 10-15 Minutes a Lesson

Targeted Skill

Critical Components of Instruction


Intervention Description

Problem Solving and Application (Math Practice Standards)

K-5 Intervention Activity (enVision 2.0)

The intervention activity is located in the Assess and Differentiate section of each lesson. The intervention lesson presents the concepts in a different way that is usually more concrete and hands-on. ST Math was developed based on neuroscience research. Students use spatial temporal (ST) reasoning to manipulate visual models to solve problems and reason with no written or oral directions. ST Math meets the needs of English Language Learners and special education students

• Use precision partnering • Incorporate sentence frames to facilitate structured discussion • Supply manipulatives for students • Display and refer to Math Practice Poster #1, Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Provide Problem Solving Recording Sheet (Teaching Tools#1 in enVision 2.0) • Use sentence frames to support student discourse as they solve problems • Close Reading in Math

K-5 ST Math (Digital

48 Minutes a Week


(STEM Grant) Cost $26 per student

annual subscription (up to 150 students) $2500 per building per year

Extending Math Learning


Problem Solving Opportunities

Based on Student Need

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Topic Opener: Math and Science Project (enVision 2.0) Problem-Based Learning: Extensions for Early Finishers (enVision 2.0) Math Practices and Problem Solving (enVision 2.0)

Based on Student Need

• Problem solving connected to the topic’s science theme.


Based on Student Need

• Solve and Share extension questions are found within each Problem-Based Learning lesson.


Based on Student Need

• Higher order thinking problems are found in the Independent Practice of each lesson. Can add even more rigor to the concept. • Focuses on the kind of thinking to be good math problem solvers.


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