Elementary PE Brainbooster
● Short Rope: Students can pick from a variety of challenges in using a short rope individually: ○ Single skip ○ Double-unders (rope spins twice with one jump) ○ Pepper (Speed) ○ High Score (highest jump count without errors) ○ See Jump Rope Resources for more ideas ● Chinese Jump Rope ○ See previous lesson for activities ● Optional: Tinikling or other dance/rhythm activities ● Dance Stations Review safety and basic concepts with jump ropes and other equipment: ● Always look around before jumping. ● Holding the handles a few inches off to their sides, have the students start with the rope against their heels. ● Without jumping, they can practice swinging the rope over their head towards their toes. They should only be using their wrists and hands. ● They can step over the rope and continue practicing swinging the rope until they feel comfortable hopping over the rope with just their ankles and feet. ● Have them continue to practice the rhythm of swinging and jumping in time. ○ Get to a certain number and then beat it. ○ Hopping on one foot and switching. ○ Double turns (rope spins twice before the student touches the ground) ○ Routines with partners Before transitioning back to Home Base, have students return their jump ropes to you one at a time or in small groups (release by name, color of rope, etc.) ● Challenge students to try new skills!
Practice andPlay
Ask the following: ● How is dancing related to jump roping? ● What did respect look like during this game? Long Rope Routines
Show How How to Play:
● You will break students up into groups of 5-8 students and give them a long rope. ● Designate where each turner will stand, equal distance from the middle of the jump rope, where the jumper will start. ● Turners will begin with small movements of the rope, saying “1, 2, 3 and over!”. On “over”, they will turn the rope together to create a high arch over the jumper. ● The jumper will jump each time the rope connects to the ground,
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