Elementary PE Brainbooster

PE/Playworks Brain Booster Lesson 24: 3rd-5th


Physical Activity & Wellness

Games and Activities

Coaches Choice: Tag and Animal Stretches

I can… 3rd: Demonstrate my skills in cardio and flexibility skills.

4th: Examine the health benefits of participating in physical activity. 5th: Participate in curling, twisting, and stretching actions.

Materials/ Space Needed HomeBase Large rectangle shape (Basketball court) Cones (1 per card) Animal Stretches Card Vocabulary Flexibility: Stretching muscles and body parts. I want to improve my flexibility so I’ll stretch my legs.

Cardio: The process of how well oxygen circulates in the body. I improve my cardio fitness when I run hard.


Begin class with a warm up procedure: ● Prepare students with daily expectations before entering the gym OR on Home Base. ● Warm up procedure may include several laps around the gym, stretching routine, or another quick, movement based activity. ● Back at Home Base, review rules/expectations of the school and

PE/Playworks with explicit examples when appropriate. ● Review any other specific reminders needed for the day.

Before releasing students for the first game, use a Sequence Touch to get them to the location you need them to be for the first activity.

Coaches Choice: Tag

Show How Choose a tag game from the list of recommended tag games.

Practice andPlay

Review safe tagging and movement ● Taggers must always use “butterfly fingers”, which are soft, fluttering fingers that only tag on U.S.A. ○ Upper back ○ Shoulders ○ Arms ● No matter the locomotor skill (running, galloping, leaping, etc.), review


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