PE Playworks Kindergarten

○ Ice Cream Soda, Cherry on Top ○ Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear ○ Mouse Trap, Cheese Trap ○ Hot Peppers ● Set up several long jump ropes (with turner spots and line up spots) and split students up. ● Designate where each turner will stand, equal distance from the middle of the jump rope, where the jumper will start. ● Before entering the jumping area, the jumper will choose between the review songs. ● Turners will begin with small movements of the rope, saying “1, 2, 3 and over!”. On “over”, they will turn the rope together to create a high arch over the jumper. ● The jumper will jump each time the rope connects to the ground, avoiding touching the rope, while the turners and students in line sing the song they’ve chosen. ● If the jumper gets hit by the rope, they will rotate with a turner and that turner will go to the back of the line. ● The next student waiting in line will rotate in and eventually replace the other turner, ensuring everyone gets a chance to jump and turn.

Discuss safety–jump ropes can be scary for beginners.

Practice andPlay

Choose three students to help model the rotation of the long rope games.

Be one of the turners to demonstrate how to start the games off and model positive cheering when a jumper gets hit by the rope. To start a second group, you can tie off one end of the jump rope to a pole (anchor point) to allow one student to turn for more control.

Quickly review several of the songs for the groups to pick from.


Ask the following: ● What routines/games/songs do you like best with the long rope? ● Why do we follow the rotation between jumpers and turners? ● Where can we play this game during recess? WrapUp

Review Review I can… statements

Final Debrief: ● How have your jump roping skills changed? ● What will you play during recess?

End class with Closing Procedure.

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