PE Playworks Kindergarten
● How did you practice (insert school rule) during tag today? ● Where could we play this game during recess?
Prepare students for the next activity.
Show How How to Play:
● Students will form a single fle line, facing the long jump rope stretched out on the ground. ● Choose one student to be the other turner, sitting or kneeling by the handle, while you take the other handle. ● You and the turner will move the rope back and forth, keeping it on the ground, so it “slithers like a snake”. ● The frst student will walk or run up to the rope and jump over it, trying not to get touched by the “snake”. ● If they successfully jump over it, they will walk or run around the turner and go to the end of the line. ● The next student will be free to jump over the snake once the other student is past the turner. ● If a student touches the rope, they will switch with the other student turner, who will go to the end of the line. ● If the entire group gets through without touching the rope, have the frst student that jumped replace the turner. Review jumping. ● Students can take off with one or two feet, landing balanced on the other side of the rope. ● Make sure the jumper ahead of the next one is clear out of the space to keep students safe. Remind turners to keep the snake on the ground and to do quick, side to side motions. If group is skilled: ● Set up a second long rope, designating the spots where turners will sit and where the line will start with cones.
Practice andPlay
Return to Home Base and ask the following: ● What made this game fun? ● Where could we play this game during recess?
Prepare students for the next activity.
Jump Rope Songs
Show How How to Play:
● Ask students what jump rope songs or games they know: ○ Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum
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