PE Playworks Kindergarten

PE/Playworks Brain Booster Lesson 21: K



Games and Activities

Review Stations

I can… K: Actively participate and follow directions.

Materials/ Space Needed

HomeBase Cones (Designating each jump rope area) Short Jump Ropes (10 based on group size) Long Jump Ropes (2-3 based on group size) Hula Hoops (5-10 hoops based on group size)

Vocabulary N/A


Begin class with a warm up procedure: ● Prepare students with daily expectations before entering the gym OR on Home Base. ● Warm up procedure may include several laps around the gym, stretching routine, or another quick, movement based activity. ● Back at Home Base, review rules/expectations of the school and PE/Playworks with explicit examples when appropriate. How will we be safe/kind/responsible in PE today? ● Review any other specifc reminders needed for the day. Before releasing students for the frst game, use a Sequence Touch to get them to the location you need them to be for the frst activity. ● Students will get to choose between the games that have previously been taught in PE. ○ Short Jump Rope ○ Long Jump Rope Games and Songs ○ HulaHoops ● Each station will be designated by boundaries and students will be expected to participate by the rules within each game. ● Students will have the choice to do whatever game and be able to Review Stations

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