MS Music Guide
Topic 5: Intonation & Balance/Blend Level 1: Vocal Music Level 1 STANDARDS: ● Standard L1.MC.P.3: Sing with an appropriate tone over an appropriate range with consideration of the following skills in combination: a. Vowels and Diction, b. Intonation, c. Placement, d. Correct breathing and singing posture, e. Vocal physiology and vocal care, f. Flow phonation. ● Standard L1.MC.P.4: Demonstrate technical performance skills by singing correct pitches and rhythms in skill appropriate literature. ● Standard L1.MC.P.6: Demonstrated productive rehearsal habits, both as an individual and as an ensemble member. PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS: -Accurate intonation in all ranges and registers. -Pitch adjustments are made consistently. -Tone qualities are matched and dynamics appropriately observed within the section as well as ensemble.
Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing CONCEPTS: VOCABULARY:
• How consistently can I hear when a group is out of balance and offer suggestions for correction? • How consistently can I sing with tall rounded vowels and strong consonants?
• Weak Syllable • Strong Syllable • Aural Skills •Breath
• Sing with tall rounded vowels and strong consonants. • Identify different tone qualities. • Hear when a group is out of balance and offer suggestions for correction. • Identify differences in articulation: accents, legato, staccato.
• Placement • Tone Color • Resonance • Support •Diction • Enunciation • Precision • Consonants •Vowels • Diphthong
• How accurately can I identify and sing with appropriate tone?
Learning Intention: I can sing while meeting all performance expectations (listed above). Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I can sing organized rhythm formations with the choir.
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