MS Music Guide
● I can sing my voice part in unity with the choir. ● I can match similar volume to my voice part and the greater choir as a whole. ● I can examine how aspects of tonality are organized and manipulated to establish unity and variety in genres of musical compositions. LEARNING PROGRESSION EXAMPLE: ● Sing warmups with choir in unison and in harmony. ● Sing with an accompaniment and without an accompaniment. ● Sing a song excerpt with varying levels of dynamics. ● Sing in tune using rhythm, articulation, and proper tonality throughout the piece. ● Analyze and identify examples of in tune and out of tune singing. ● Utilize and apply knowledge and skills to independently improve pitch accuracy. EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES
Article: 10 Techniques to Improve Choral Intonation Website: Pentatonic Songs Website: Kodaly Free Resources Video: Positive Effects of Voice Matching Video
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