MS Music Guide
choices. -Using song structure and large-scale shaping to determine and express interpretation -Using text emphasis and small-scale shaping to determine and express interpretation. -Using dynamics, articulation, and tempo to determine and express interpretation.
Phrases, Q/A Phrases, Verse, Chorus, Repetition/Contrast -Dynamics, Articulation, & Tempo terms
from. -Identify similar and contrasting phrases/musical ideas -Identify simple song structures -Describe how dynamics, articulation, and tempo can be used for expressive interpretation. -Integrate those musical elements into an expressive performance.
Learning Intention: I can sing while meeting all performance expectations (listed above). Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I can identify and describe expressive musical elements in a performance. ● I can describe the meaning that musical elements portray in a performance. ● I can discuss the ways the music in my life expresses things about me and my own culture & experience. ● I can integrate expressive musical elements into my own performances. LEARNING PROGRESSION EXAMPLE: ● Use varied repertoire to introduce and reinforce a variety of musical styles. ● Review or introduce dynamics, articulation, and tempo terms - then discuss how those are tools for expression and interpretation and the specifc ideas those elements may suggest. ● Teach song structures and how repetition & contrast work to convey meaning. ● Encourage students to think about and connect with the text of their songs through a variety of methods. Then extend that into describing ways the musical elements enhance the text. ● Record rehearsals and performances so students can listen for the effectiveness of their use of expressive elements. ● Independently utilize musical elements to create an expressive performance. EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES
Lessons: Lesson Ideas NAfME Article: Giving Words Meaning: Text Analysis for Heightened Musicality
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