Kindergarten Instructional Guide

Kindergarten Math Scope & Sequence




● Extend the count

● column ● ones ● pattern

● tens ● decade ● hundred chart

● Two-color counters ● Hundred chart

sequence to larger and larger numbers

● See quantities as they relate to 10

enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: Ant Colonies Pick a Project: Lots of Legs, Numbers Dance, Moonstone Mission

11-1 Count Using Patterns to 30 11-2 Count by Ones and By Tens to 50

11-3 Count by Tens to 100 11-4 Count by One to 100 11-5 Math Practices and Problem Solving: Look for and Use Structure 3-ACT Math: Stack up

Differentiation in Action

Skill Building

Use Voice to Support Patterns: The repetition of the numbers students hear will be important to them in recognizing patterns as they count. Use a heavier tone for the ones as you read the numbers: “Twenty-ONE, twenty-TWO … twenty-NINE .”


Topic Center: Art Center (pg. 429j)

Interdisciplinary Connections


STEM Project: Ant Colonies

Strand: Living Things and their Surroundings Standard K.2.3: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how living things (plants and animals, including humans) affect their surroundings to survive. Examples could include squirrels digging in the ground to hide their food, plant roots breaking concrete, or humans building shelters.

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