Instructional Playbook

Explicit Instruction Continued

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Questions to consider when teaching a new skill/concept




I Do (Teacher Modeling)

Demonstrate Use Think-Alouds Engage students Provide feedback

Listen Take notes Ask and respond to questions

Do learners need more instruction so they can acquire or become automatic at a skill?

Should a scaffold be used during explicit instruction to ensure opportunity and access for every learner? Which learners have become fluent with the skill and are ready to move to the application phase? Which learners need more practice to become fluent?

We Do (Guided Practice)

Heavily scaffold with prompts Tell, Ask, Remind students what to do Check for understanding Provide feedback Reteach when necessary Set up intentional small groups/ partners Check for understanding Provide feedback Reteach when necessary Monitor practice Provide feedback Reteach when necessary

Group practice with teacher feedback Ask questions for clarity Ask and respond to questions

Inquiry based learning empowers students to

Y’all Do (Group Practice)

Practice skill(s) in small groups/partners Ask and respond to questions

construct knowledge through hands-on investigation and critical thinking. Inquiry instruction:

cultivates curiosity, resilience, and deep understanding as learners engage with content/concepts in meaningful way, requires explicit instruction to provide clear, direct guidance and scaffolding to support students navigating complex topics, and equips learners with the tools they need to tackle challenges with confidence and proficiency when routines/skills are taught explicitly.

You Do (Individual Practice)

Show mastery of skill Ask and respond to questions Respond to feedback

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