Instructional Playbook

Intentional Planning Lesson planning is at the core of effective teaching. This is where teachers incorporate knowledge of their students, instructional pedagogy, content standards and curriculum. Effective lesson planning is crucial for enhancing educational impact through increased opportunity and access for all students. Much of this work occurs before and after classroom instruction through planing lessons that integrate the critical components of effective instruction. Critical components when lesson planning : Identify the target of the lesson from the unpacked standard(s) and learning progressions Provide teacher clarity by developing relevant learning intentions and success criteria Consider TPACK/SAMR frameworks when integrating technology Incorporate the instructional priorities Intentionally plan scaffolds to ensure access to the rigor of the standard for ALL students Use a WISR lens to ensure student engagement and language acquisition opportunities Create assessments based on success criteria Ensure rigor through opportunities to practice, deepen, and apply knowledge Use feedback to reflect on and adjust instruction to meet students’ learning needs

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Planning opportunities for language acquisition through writing, reading, and speaking engagement tasks Designing for the intentional introduction of and gradual release of scaffolds in order to maintain rigor Including strategic visuals and translations of key words/phrases to support all learners in accessing and understanding the most essential content Designing extended periods of passive learning without time for students to actively process the content or practice the skill


During the lesson planning process, teachers anticipate how the learning will progress and analyze how individual pieces of the learning process will all come together in rigorous and engaging ways. A successful lesson can be measured by reviewing student data, reflecting on the data, and determining next steps for ensuring academic success for ALL students.

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