Instructional Playbook

Intentional Planning

Click here for the Implementation Toolbox

Critical Components


Learning Progressions Learning progressions are developed from an unpacked standard, and are a pathway to proficiency, in that they outline the intermediate steps of learning for students to reach proficiency. Clarity in teaching is essential if students are to achieve the intended objectives of the classroom. Teacher clarity is about communicating what students are supposed to learn, the relevance of the learning, and what success looks like. These models are instrumental in guiding the integration of technology with pedagogical practices. They help educators leverage digital tools to enhance learning experiences and ensure that technology use is purposeful and effective. Assessment involves evaluating and measuring student learning to provide constructive, timely feedback. It aids both students and teachers in making informed educational decisions. The instructional priorities are high yielding practices with an effect size of .40 or higher. WISR strategies scaffold the complexity of the content and tasks for learners through Writing, Inquiry, Speaking and Listening, and/or Reading and Viewing. *For AVID schools, WICOR is utilized instead of WISR. Rigor is providing engaging learning experiences that promote growth and opportunities for student thinking and application. Rigor involves high expectations for all students accompanied by appropriate support that ensures students engage in productive struggle as they build their skills. Feedback is a critical component of learning, helping students to improve their skills and enhance their understanding based on specific, actionable insights and adjustments to instruction. Scaffolding Scaffolding is an intentional support structure designed to provide ALL learners opportunities to access grade-level concepts and tasks. Assessment Instructional Priorities WISR (WICOR*) Rigor Feedback TPACK/SAMR

Teacher Clarity

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