HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

Interpret, Analyze, & Evaluate Artistic Work Beginning/Introductory Visual Arts Course

VISUAL ART 7/8 STANDARDS: ● 7–8.V.R.5: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work and process by analyzing how the interaction of subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, use of media, art-making approaches, and relevant contextual information contribute to understanding messages, ideas, or mood conveyed. ● 7–8.V.R.6: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process by comparing and explaining the difference between an evaluation of an artwork based on personal criteria and an evaluation of an artwork based on a set of established criteria, and by creating a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art. ● 7–8.V.CO.3: Analyze how response to art is infuenced by understanding the time and place in which it was created, the available resources, and cultural uses. VISUAL ART 1 STANDARDS: ● L1.V.R.3: Interpret an artwork or collection of works, supported by relevant and suffcient evidence found in the work and its various contexts. ● L1.V.R.4: Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate a work of art or collection of works. ● L1.V.CO.2: Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may infuence personal responses to art. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work using varied criteria. Evaluate artistic work and process through both personal and pre-established criteria. Communicate a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art. Describe how culture, traditions, and history infuence responses to art. Learning Intention: I am learning to identify and interpret artistic elements and criteria so I can analyze and evaluate works of art. Success Criteria: I will know I have it when, ● I can identify the subject matter, mood, and symbolism in a work of art. ● I can identify the use of elements of art and principles of design in a work of art. ● I can interpret and explain how these artistic elements contribute to the work’s meaning and communicate the artist’s intent. Learning Intention and Success Criteria Example:

Learning Progression Example:

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