HS Visual Art Instructional Guide
1. Defne and describe elements of art then practice identifying and describing elements of art in visual artwork. 2. Defne and describe the principles of design then practice identifying and describing principles of design in visual artwork. 3. Defne and describe other applicable artistic criteria such as matter, mood, symbolism, art-making approaches, use of media, etc then practice identifying and describing these other applicable artistic criteria in visual artwork 4. Defne and describe how artwork expresses intent and meaning of the artist. 5. Utilize the elements of art, principles of design, and other applicable artistic criteria to interpret and evaluate the artist’s intent and meaning in a piece of artwork. 6. Practice analyzing artworks based on the artist's intent and meaning. 7. Select and artwork to describe, interpret, analyze and evaluate it based on the principles and concepts learned. WISR CONNECTIONS:
Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing CONCEPTS:
● Intent & Meaning in Artistic Work ● Personal &
● Intent ● Meaning ● Personal Criteria ● Pre-established Criteria ● Evaluation
● Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work using varied criteria. ● Evaluate artistic work and process through both personal and pre-established criteria. ● Communicate a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art. ● Describe how culture, traditions, and history infuence responses to art.
Pre-established Criteria
● Evaluation of Art
● Interpret ● Traditions ● Infuence ● Context
* CSD Educators must login to their Art of Education account to view all Art of Education resources. Art of Education: Developing Evaluation Criteria Lesson Metropolitan Museum of Art: Voices of The Past Lesson The Andy Warhol Museum: Writing a Critical Response Lesson The J. Paul Getty Museum: Looking and Learning in the Art Museum Lesson University of Laverne Departments of Art and Art History: Analysis of a Work of Art Rubric
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