HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

Artistic Process Unpacked

Enduring Understanding

Essential Question

Anchor Standard

Performance Standard


Connecting Synthesize

L1.V.CO.1 Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated ideas.

Through the process of art making, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge and experiences. People develop ideas and understandings of society, culture, and history through their interactions with and analysis of art.

How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of themselves and creative processes through art making?

Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to makeart.

Document the steps of creating an artwork from inspiration and idea generation, through refinement to completed projects. Developa personal response to art that includes a statement of contexts that may have influenced or informed the response.


L1.V.CO.2 Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.

How is art used to impact the views of a society?

Relate artistic ideas and works to societal, cultural and historical context todeepen understanding.

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