HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

Express Ideas, Emotion, & Experiences through Art Beginning/Introductory Visual Arts Course

VISUAL ARTS 7/8 STANDARDS: ● 7–8.V.CR.9: Apply visual organizational strategies to design and produce a work of art, design, or media that clearly communicates information or ideas. ● 7–8.V.CR.11: Refect on and explain important information about personal artwork in an artist statement or another format, and apply relevant criteria to examine, refect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress. ● 7–8.V.R.1: Explain how the method of display, the location, and the experience of an artwork infuence how it is perceived and valued. ● 7–8.V.R.2: Explain how a person’s aesthetic choices are infuenced by culture and environment. ● 7–8.V.R.3: Analyze multiple ways that images infuence specifc audiences. ● 7–8.V.R.4: Compare and contrast contexts and media in which viewers encounter images that infuence ideas, emotions, and actions. VISUAL ARTS 1 STANDARDS: ● L1.V.CR.2: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using traditional or contemporary practices of art or design. ● L1.V.R.1: Hypothesize ways in which art infuences perception and understanding of human experiences. ● L1.V.R.2: Analyze how one’s understanding of the world is affected by experiencing visual imagery. RESOURCES STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Apply visual strategies and concepts to design and produce artwork that communicates personal or group ideas, emotion, and experiences. Refect, analyze and explain how humans view, respond to, and interact with artwork as a form of expression. Learning Intention: I am learning how artists create artwork that communicates ideas, emotions, and experiences so I can create artwork that expresses my personal ideas, thoughts, emotions or experiences as an artist. Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when, ● I can identify artistic strategies, concepts, and techniques artists use to create expressive artwork. ● I can communicate – either verbally, in writing, or through art – an idea, thought, emotion, and/or experience I desire to express as an artist. ● I can create and share artwork that expresses my individual artistic ideas. Learning Intention and Success Criteria Example:

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