HS Visual Art Instructional Guide
Learning Progression Example:
1. Learn ways in which artists utilize the elements of art and principles of design along with various techniques, mediums, and styles to express their ideas, thoughts, emotions, or experiences. 2. View examples of diverse works of art that depict a range of ideas, emotions, and experiences. 3. Discuss ideas and impressions of how the viewed works of art convey meaning through visual elements like color, line, texture, and composition. 4. Brainstorm, select, and communicate an idea, thought, emotion, and/or experience you desire to express as an artist. 5. Identify and select preferred artistic techniques and mediums to create artwork that expresses your desired ideas. 6. Create and refne artwork that expresses your desired ideas. 7. Showcase and share your unique, expressive artwork with an audience. WISR CONNECTIONS:
Inquiry, Speaking, Writing, Reading, Viewing CONCEPTS:
● Art as a Form of Expression ● Artist Statement ● Aesthetic Choices
● Expression ● Aesthetics ● Artist Statement
● Apply visual strategies and concepts to design and produce artwork that communicates personal or group ideas, emotion, and experiences. ● Refect, analyze and explain how humans view, respond to and interact with artwork as a form of expression.
* CSD Educators must login to their Art of Education account to view all Art of Education resources. Art of Education: Conveying Emotions Lesson Art of Education: Emotion and Identity Collection
Art of Education: Empowering Identity in Art Collection Art of Education: Expressive Abstraction Collection The Art of Education: Artist’s Statement Flow Chart
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Point of View in Print and Paint Lesson The Kennedy Center: Identity Boxes; Symbols of My Identity Lesson
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