HS Visual Art Instructional Guide


Inquiry, Viewing, Writing, Speaking, Listening CONCEPTS:



● Artistic Criteria ● Elements of Art

● Artistic Criteria ● Color ● Form ● Line

● Identify and develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identifed goal. ● Apply principles and criteria to engage in making a work of art or design.

○ Color, form, line,

shape, space, texture, &value

● Shape ● Space ● Texture ● Value ● Balance ● Rhythm ● Pattern

● Principles of Design ○ Balance, rhythm,

pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity, & movement

● Emphasis ● Contrast ● Unity ● Movement


* CSD Educators must login to their Art of Education account to view all Art of Education resources.

Art of Education: Elements of Art Anchor Chart Art of Education: Principles of Design Anchor Chart Art of Education: Assessment - Elements of Art Inventory

Elements of Art Filtered Collections Principles of Art Filtered Collections FLEX Art of Education: LINE FLEX Art of Education: BALANCE FLEX Art of Education: COLOR FLEX Art of Education: CONTRAST FLEX Art of Education: VALUE FLEX Art of Education: EMPHASIS FLEX Art of Education: SHAPE FLEX Art of Education: MOVEMENT FLEX Art of Education: FORM FLEX Art of Education: PATTERN FLEX Art of Education: SPACE FLEX Art of Education: RHYTHM FLEX Art of Education: TEXTURE FLEC Art of Education: UNITY *Videos and assessments for all elements of art and principles of design can be found on Art of Education. Make a Mark Studios: Elements of Art Video Series

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