HS Visual Art Instructional Guide

Identify & Apply Elements of Art & Principles of Design Beginning/Introductory Visual Arts Course

VISUAL ART 7/8 STANDARDS: ● 7–8.V.CR.3: Develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identifed goal. ● 7–8.V.CR.4: Collaboratively shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using traditional or contemporary practices of art or design. ● 7–8.V.CR.10: Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually clear and compelling presentations. VISUAL ART 1 STANDARDS: ● L1.V.CR.3: Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived plan. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Identify and develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identifed goal. Apply principles and criteria to engage in making a work of art or design.

Learning Intention and Success Criteria Example:

Learning Intention: I am learning to identify and discuss the elements of art and principles of design so I can apply them in creating a work of art.

Success Criteria : I will know I am successful when, ● I can i dentify and discuss the elements of art in any work of art ● I can identify and discuss the principles of design in any work of art

● I can apply the elements of art to my artwork ● I can apply the principles of design to my artwork

Learning Progression Example: 1. Learn the basic characteristics of each of the elements of art.

2. Practice identifying the elements of art in various art pieces – both 2D and 3D art. 3. Analyze and discuss the meaning and signifcance of each element of art in each piece. 4. Introduction to the principles of design. 5. Practice identifying the principles of design in different art pieces – both 2D and 3D art. 6. Analyze and discuss the meaning and signifcance of each principle of design in each piece. 7. Practice creating an original piece of art that applies and utilizes the elements of art and principles of design with meaning and signifcance to communicate a concept or idea.

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