HS Theater Guide

Learning Intention: I am learning to read/view and research a play so I can make connections to and communicate about the historical context of the play. Success Criteria: I will know I have learned it when: ● I can read or view a play and identify the time period the play is set in. ● I can research key historical events happening when the play was created. ● I can draw connections between my research and the plot of the play. ● I can create and share a presentation synthesizing my ideas about how the historical events I researched infuenced the play I read or viewed.

Example Learning Progression

1. Read a script and identify the time period the play is set in. 2. Research key events happening when the play was written.

3. Map the key historical events and compare/connect them to the plot of the play. 4. Explore connections between the historical events and the plot of the play. 5. Create a presentation that illustrates the connections between the historical events and the plot of the play. 6. Present the presentation to the class and explain connections between the play and the research. WISR CONNECTIONS:

Writing, Inquiry, Reading, Viewing, Speaking, Listening CONCEPTS:


● Theatre as an Artform ● Cultural & Historical Context ● Artist’s Process & Purpose ● Intended Audience

● Theatre ● Artform ● Context

● Read, view, research and discuss works of theatre that speak to or address social, community, or global issues. ● Explore and consider: cultural context, historical context, artist’s process, artist’s purpose, and intended audience.

● Cultural Context ● Historical Context ● Artist’s Process ● Artist’s Purpose ● Intended Audience


BYU Theatre Education Database: History and Defnition of Dramaturgy Dramaturgy Explained from The Life of a Stage Play

PBS: Reading Dramatic Scripts PBS: Theatrical Performance Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators: Asking Good Questions to Prompt Student Thinking

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