HS Spanish Guide

● Use a graphic organizer to differentiate vocabulary, phrases, & images for students to make associations between objects & vocabulary. ● Pair with partners to practice conversation/group students to allow opportunity for them to practice speaking. Before assigning students a conversation, model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters. ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation in Spanish aside from regularly planned activities or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialogue. Provide opportunities for more conversation with fl uent speakers via Zoom or Google Meet. ● Students look at pictures of households in a Spanish-speaking country and ask students to write as many sentences in Spanish as they can compare them to their own. ● Provide more complex text in Spanish for students to read.


● Students can build and categorize word lists (synonyms, antonyms, etc.) ● Students can practice translating from English to Spanish in speech or writing.

● Give the students a story/cartoon topic. Provide them with as much or as little information as you’d like (maybe the main character and a few compulsory events). Then, have students write and illustrate the story and present it verbally to the class.

*Updated 6.10.24

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